The Fifteen Principles of the Communication Instinct
Michael Warren West
Founder/President/CEO - Flight of the Phonemes Language Centers
Dedicated to the Muse - Biophilia
Important Disclaimer - The Prolegomena is offered in the form of light linguistic extemporanea.
The Prolegomena should not be construed as Linguistic Advice.
If My Dear Reader is in need of Linguistic Advice, she or he should consult a licensed, Board Certified Linguist, Philologist, Morphologist, Etymologist, Lexicographer or professional Word Nerd.
Please do not read or listen to The Prolegomena while operating heavy machinery, or while under the influence of Mood-Altering Drugs.
May your personal Communication Instinct live long and prosper!
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From Uncle Mike’s New Book:
“The Communication Instinct -
Prolegomena to Any Future Metalinguistics”
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The Twelve (Oops, Thirteen, Oops Fourteen, Oops Fifteen)
Principles of the Communication Instinct
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The First and Ultimate Principle - The Only Principle that Matters . . .
管他的 Guǎn ?Tā ?de?, 别 担心 Bie Danxin (Don't Worry, Be Happy)
* Communication Will Find a Way *
(Simply put - 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直!!! - chē? dào? shān ?qián? bì ?yǒu? lù?, chuán ?dào ?qiáo ?tóu ?zì ?rán ?zhí) - In other words, When we get to the mountain, a pass will open up, and when the boat gets to the waterfall, the current will carry it through. What I hope to say is that everything will turn out for the best in this best of all possible worlds, so why be a worrywart? Why not worry about it when it happens, why not cross that bridge when we come to it? It will be all right through the night, if we keep our nightlights bright, alright?)
Eschew Obfuscation - Eschew Magical Thinking! (Please see Principle One)
Language Is *not* an Instinct - Language Is an Innate Faculty of Human Brain, Which Requires Learning for Expression
*All* Language Is Learned Behavior
Language Is Influenced By, But Not Dependent Upon, Reinforcement
The Communication Instinct Is Predominately Old Brain, Language Acquisition Predominately New Brain
The Communication Instinct Is Not Dependent On Language for Expression
Language is Intermittent - Communication Constant
All Language is Verbal Behavior, but Not All Verbal Behavior Is Language
The Mere Fact That System 2 Learning Is Not Effortful, Does Not Mean It Is Not Learning
The Mere Fact That Written Language Requires System 1 Effort for Skill Acquisition, Does Not Mean That Written Language Is Not Language.
However Script, In and Of Itself, Is Not Language
Languages Arise, Independent Of Metalinguistics
The Communication Instinct Is Biophilic - The Language Instinct *Necrophilic*
Metalinguistics Is a Tool, Not a Weapon
? 2017 Michael Warren West
6 年Difusión .+ Recom.. + Mi Google Translator , today , is started ,(demasiado ), in the Polisemia Land .