#Thirsty Well#
When thirsty, dig a well! Now its sure you will not get sufficient water even though anuone dig a well deep enough within his capacities. What wrong now???
We have closed our eyes & excavating, overusing - resources may be crude oil, minerals, water to all possible reach. Continuous honking & high speed vehicles, heavy BHP engines are used in current vehicles. We are close to excavation end. Charcoal is becoming invisible. Wells going dipper & dipper at every step is increasing threat living & agriculture thirst. Water cycle is distrubed. When there is dark, there is a ray. Its evening now, we are very close to dark & time of new ray looks too long. We wait till some one doesnot forcefully act on us. Its time now, when earth will take our control & regenarate the things newly. Money is also liquid, its not stable, it always gives ups & downs like waves. We are wasting own money in lavishness, unwanted needs, which will not be coming again so easily. So need to plan better for better things.
System cannot be generated in seconds, its culture, so it will take time, learning, awareness. Make people aware of the things before something goes wrong. We need to make control mechanisum. People in earlier days were very dashing & powerful but illliterate, that time they were controlled with stories of god, devil etc. Now people are half cooked educated i.e. educated but lack of better culture so they wont listen to anyone easily or wait till msihap. Government needs to plan for system, culture of having control mechnisum on them. We take undue advantage of democracy. We make illegal construction of homes, extension of homes, carving or ploughing of neighbours lands allows hawkers on road, roads are blocked with parking, bike crackers, honking, Dust bin of road- land -river, arrogant communication, unsafe road traffic conditions. You can plan to add few more points. Government needs to have control / threat / fine / direct actions / execution mechanism on the same. Fisrt few days people watch the strong action, then they start learning & understanding the strong action. Then they share the strong good action, then few supporters grows & few opposes grows. Its cycle. Better grows & bitter ends! Now question is who will take actions. Government & Bureaucrats acts like not my concern. Here I propose to have " Private controls & audits - Government & Bureaucratic actions". It doesn't sounds good, but its fact of requirement today. Banks have lost faith including PNB, BOM & many other private & co-operative banks. Trust from government has lost when Good IAS are moved very frequently from one post or position like Dr. Shrikar Pardeshi, Tukaram Mundhe etc. Politicians wants good bureaucrats to act like pet dog. Which will not happen, but still they try to make their personnel life miserable. If above suggested "private Controls & audits" starts, "WE" can audit transparency in RTO actions & effectiveness, Road safety, Municipal work & executional effectiveness, Banks loan tendency & many more areas. Let us make a team of "WE - We Effective" to control today for better tomorrow!!!! It will allow us to dig well for tomorrows water.
Elections are closer & politicians have changed their stance to have equality of every humanity & differences baced on economic grounds, earlier its was reverse. Cast separation & reservations will never help any community in real. Help to needy & economic underestablished human & family. Withdraw all Old Orphanage homes to give support & respect to gOLD people. Needy farmers should get Orange farming ration card to avail farming subsidies & loan concessions, waver plans, easy availability. All Farmers as First Businessman should get respect & make them stronger through getting for loan waving for precloser & never support for complete loan waver. All people should cover under only one tax- called GST. Equal Tax from All. Income tax, sales tax, toll tax, GST & bribe tax, education tax, cess tax - many many taxes etc. As a middle class, we pay 2 tax- one is Income tax & other is GST. Many Individuals are not covered in taxes & they pay only GST on availing of goods. Maximum burden comes on to the faithful people for Countries Economy Growth plans. Just give better thoughts to your innovative ideas for growth of nation, individual & humanity!!!