The Thirst Trap of King Solomon | Wisdom of solomon

The Thirst Trap of King Solomon | Wisdom of solomon

My father loved to recount the tale of Queen Sheba of Ethiopia and King Solomon, the wisest ruler of all time.

Queen Sheba was curious about the king’s legendary wisdom and decided to visit his kingdom. She was not only a powerful monarch, but also a dazzling beauty and a seductive temptress. When she arrived, King Solomon was mesmerized by her charm.

But there was a catch. Queen Sheba did not want to sleep with King Solomon. He devised a clever plan. He promised her that he would not touch her, as long as she did not drink any water from his kingdom. She agreed, confident that she had enough water in her caravan.

King Solomon prepared a feast for her, and served her a roasted calf. After dinner, she retired to her chamber, where he had secretly placed a jug of water. Eating a calf makes you extremely thirsty (don’t ask me how I know). She resisted the urge to drink, but eventually she could not bear it. She got up and drank from the jug. King Solomon, who had been watching from a hidden spot, caught her red-handed.

That night, she slept with King Solomon, and conceived a son. That son became the ancestor of the Solomonic dynasty that ruled Ethiopia for centuries.

But was it really a trap, or a trick? Did Queen Sheba fall for King Solomon, or did he fall for her? And what did they learn from each other’s wisdom?


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