Third Time Lucky
Third Time Lucky by Paula Phillips
Life can deal us the worst cards, just when we think that we have our life’s plan all sorted out – something goes haywire and blows up the plan to smithereens.
One moment I was happy and had my whole life planned, I was engaged to the most amazing man Luke, and we had a beautiful house and a tiny little dog named Braveheart, and I had an awesome best friend Tammy and living it up in the city.
Then just like that, it was all over when I walked in one day after a tiring day at work and there sitting on the kitchen counter was a plain white envelope with my name written on it in black writing – Skye. I should have known at that moment, that something was up as the house was eerily quiet and something felt off – I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
I wandered over to the kitchen counter as my fingers started to tremble and I picked up the letter, inside it read. I’m sorry, I’ve fallen in love with someone else – Luke. Want to know what the worst thing was, that somebody turned out to be my best friend – Tammy. What a bitch. Here I thought she was helping me plan the wedding of my dreams, when in fact she was fucking my fiancé behind my back. Probably doggy style too as I had always hated that position. What kind of woman wants to be treated like a dog? A bitch.
After my stunned shock, I guess you could say I fell apart and spent the next few weeks in the house Until I realized I would have to move back home with my folks as there was no way I could afford to live in the city on one income. Gosh, I was pathetic – here I was at 30 years old and moving back home to live with my folks. I felt like one of those cliched girls that you read about in the chick lit novels, the ones whose lives completely shatter and they have no idea what to do – so they move back in with mummy and daddy.
First things first, I had to hand in my resignation at Books A Plenty where I had been the assistant manager. I was going to miss the customers as I had an old lady who loved to bake me muffins and cakes. She enjoyed baking but couldn’t eat it herself, so I was the lucky recipient and then had to call the real estate agent to help sell the house. Lucky it was just my name on the mortgage as I doubt, I would have been able to do all this so easy if Luke’s name was added. Another red flag, I should have picked up as he always liked everything to be in just my name. I could trust him to pay his share happily. Jerk.
The next step was the worst; I was holding my breath as I sat there and opened my contacts on my cellphone and looked for Mum and Dad’s number. Maybe it was the gods, but as I sat there trying to get the confidence up to hit dial, my phone started ringing Baby Shark. I was obsessed with the catchy tune, I knew most people hated it with a passion but how can you hate something so upbeat and poppy. It made me smile though I felt like crap. I took a deep breath and hit answer – “Hi Mum, how're things? Funny story I was about to call you” I managed to get out without breaking down, but then you know how Mum’s have this third eye – mother’s intuition where they just know something is up. Well, my Mum had it, and the next words out of her mouth were “What’s wrong, darling?” I couldn’t hold it in any longer as I broke down on the phone. Sobbing hard, I managed to squeak out “Luke’s left me, and he’s moving in with Tammy, I need to move back home.”
A Month Later:
As most parents are, my Mum and Dad said of course that I could move back until I find my feet and stay in my old room. I packed up the house as only my things were remaining and here I was now sitting in my car ready to say goodbye to the life I had planned and thought would be my forever and heading back to the Podunk town of Taverners that I had managed to escape or so I thought for good. I was the type of girl at high school, who had always planned to leave town as soon as I graduated as nothing major ever happened in Taverners and I had for a while.
Baby Shark, doo doo doo, Baby Shark. I glanced down at my phone and checked the caller ID – Mum. Should I pick it up or just hit decline? It kept ringing; I reluctantly picked it up. “Hey darling, just wondering where you are?” Mum asked. “I’ve just finished tying up some loose ends, and about to leave now.” I’ll be arriving tomorrow and will stop tonight at my friend Aria’s Motel – Funky Monkey Lodge. She had inherited it from her parents after they died a few years back and along with her new husband – Max who had been one of her first customers at the Lodge. They had re-done the rooms and made it a famous holidaying Lodge. It was halfway between the city and Taverners.
Nine hours passed as I drove along the highways and passing through little towns, some kitschy and others blink and misses. When I looked up and saw a big billboard with a giant monkey that resembled a soft toy that I had as a child – Henry holding a suitcase in one hand and a banana in the other, this made me chuckle, I wonder if this was Max’s creation as the billboard was advertising the Funky Monkey Lodge. I pulled over to the side of the road and got out my cellphone and dialed Aria’s number – “Hey girl, how far away are you? Aria shouted over the phone. I’m about ten minutes away, be there shortly. I can’t wait to see you and Max. “Wait a minute, are you talking and driving at the same time” Aria shrieked. Nope, I promise I’ve pulled over to the side of the road and talking to you. I remembered how Aria gets with cellphones and driving as her parents were killed by a driver talking on their cellphone.
I got off the phone and kept driving until I saw another Giant Monkey, this time I saw double and a statue as they had commissioned by a local artist two Giant monkeys to sit on either side of the lodge’s gates. As I pulled up and hopped out of the car, I headed towards the office and in my excitement almost bowled over a guy walking out of the office. Not just any guy either, this guy was hot with a capital H. He had dark hair, piercing blue eyes and what looked like a muscly body under his shirt. My mind started racing with thoughts of what I could do with him; it had been a while since Luke and I had done it. “Skye, you’re here” screamed Aria which interrupted my sexual thought train.
I took one more glance over my shoulder, but the guy had vanished, had he been a figment of my imagination. “We are going to have so much fun” Aria excitedly exclaimed. It looks like my night of relaxing and moping had a pin put in it. All I had wanted to do was sit and wallow and eat lots of ice-cream as wasn’t that what the characters in the movies did when their whole lives fell apart. Not in Aria’s world, it seemed like her idea of moving on and getting over Luke was to have a night of debauchery.
I settled into my lodge room and pulled out my kindle, if I was going to have a night of debauchery as Aria had put it then I needed to get in the mood and what better book to read than Alexa Riley’s latest Closer, her books always got my juices flowing if you know what I mean. They were raunchy, hot quick reads bursting with raw sexual energy. Reading the book had turned me on, and it had been a while since I had been laid. So, I pulled my shorts down and started rubbing myself until I managed to orgasm. I seriously needed to get laid if I had resorted to giving myself orgasmic pleasure.
Knock, knock. I turned and looked at the time; I must have fallen asleep. Just give me a minute; I need to get ready. Aria burst in and looked at me; you’re nowhere near ready to go out. This is going to take us longer than a minute. While I was in the shower, Aria took it upon herself to pick out my outfit for the night. I got out and looked at the outfit that she had picked me. I tried it on, “don’t you think it’s a bit tight,” I asked Aria. She looked at me as if to say duh, that’s the point.
“Where are we going?” I asked Aria. There’s a good bar up the road owned by the Lachlan Brothers; they are good friends with Max. “What took you so long?” Max asked. “Skye, over here fell asleep and we had to get her sexified” Aria responded. Well, ladies, your carriage awaits, don’t get into too much trouble. I laughed as with Aria by my side it would be a night of trouble.
We headed to the club, and I met Jack and Michael Lachlan behind the bar. Hey ladies, what will it be tonight? Just as I was about to respond with a pure vodka and red bull, Aria’s voice popped up and ‘strawberry martinis – stirred not shaken and keep them coming. Over the night, I sat there drinking and chatting away with Aria; she made me feel so much better as I still felt the sting of Luke and Tammy’s betrayal- how could they both do this to me. I went to fiddle my ring and looked down; it was missing. I must have left it on the bathroom sink at the lodge. Maybe this was a sign?
While we were drinking, I love Rock n Roll by Janis Joplin played on the jukebox. “Let’s dance; it’s playing our song,” Aria said. This had always been our song as back in high school we did a talent show, and we were inspired by Britney Spears' movie Crossroads and sang a duet of I Love Rock N Roll. We didn’t win but it was a lot of fun, and from then on, this became our song. “Are our drinks all good to leave here?” I asked. Aria laughed “of course, they are.” I smiled as I realized that the city girl in me was starting to show. I had been away from the small-town life for far too long.
We got up and started dancing; it felt so free to let my hair down and just be able to relax. I had missed all of this as Luke had hated small towns and going out dancing in clubs. He preferred the world of suits and sophisticated bars where they sat and slowly sipped on their drinks making small talk over business stuff. I no longer had to worry about things like that, that was now Tammy’s problem. That and the horrible habit he had of never tidying up after himself. I finally had this epiphany that I was free from the restraints of the life I had thought I had wanted for all these years.
As I was busy dancing away, Aria leaned over and whispered in my ear “don’t look now, but there is a hot guy at the bar, checking you out.” Of course, when someone tells you don’t look, the number one thing you are going to do is look straight away. I peered over her shoulder to see where she had been looking, and I let out a small yelp. “That’s the guy; I almost barreled into,” I said as I explained to her how when I was walking into their office earlier today, I walked into a guy, that’s the guy. He’s coming over, what do I do? I asked Aria. She gave me a little shove, which coincidentally landed me in the guy’s arms.
Hi, I said straightening myself back up I’m Skye. Hey, I’m Tucker in said in this handsome southern drawl which had my knees feeling a tad weak. I had always been a sucker for the southern accents. I turned my head to Aria as she knew my weaknesses and she had a slight smile on her face as she mouthed “Go for it.”
I turned back to Tucker as we walked over to tables where our drinks were, I so needed a top-up of my glass. Tucker had inherited that skill Mel Gibson got in the movie What Women Want as he read my mind and ordered me another of the same. We sat down and started talking and laughing the night away, I hadn’t had this much fun in such a long time as whenever we went out it was always with Luke’s friends and I have to admit they were still a bit stuffy and bland for my liking.
As the night wore on, Tucker put down his drink and asked me four simple words that would be the start of a domino effect in changing both our lives. Those four words were Your room or mine? It turned out we were both staying at the Funky Monkey Lodge, and our rooms were just down from each other. His being first as he was booked into Room #2 and I was in Room #7. We hopped into a taxi and hightailed it back to the Funky Monkey Lodge and stumbled into his room.
Just like in my fantasy, he opened the lodge door and closed it with my back as he pushed me against the door kissing me like he had been starving for physical connection. He put his hand on my thigh and slowly worked up my dress and got to my panties which he hooked his fingers through and pulled them down. He then stuck them in his pocket and whispered, I’m keeping these for later. He then took his shirt off and his pants and stood there in his black underwear. I felt a tad overdressed but couldn’t move as I was entranced by his array of tattoos on his chest and that nipple ring which I was looking forward to swirling my tongue on it later on in the evening.
He then interrupted my thoughts as he huskily said: “we need to get out of this dress.” I put my hands up as he pulled the dress over my head and left me standing in my strapless bra. He unhooked the bra and chucked it onto the pile of clothes that had been forming on the floor next to us and pushed me onto the bed. Now he was the one with too many clothes on and a great package I could see growing in his underwear.
He slipped off his underwear and leaned over to the dresser and pulled out a condom, always got to prepare he whispered. It made me wonder if he had been a boy scout in his younger days. As I laid on the bed, he started to travel kisses down my body and stopped at my vagina. I got a bit nervous as Luke had always hated giving me oral. I tried to relax, and when his tongue started swirling around my clit, I felt like I had gone to heaven – boy this guy was a god at giving a girl oral. The gods must have blessed that tongue. I felt like I was going to cum and be staring at the stars in the heavens.
Just as I was about to burst, he stopped and said, I have to save something for later with his cheeky smirk. We switched places as I brought my hand down to his hard cock and put it in my mouth like it was a lollipop that I had been rewarded with. He then slid the condom off as it was apparent we weren’t going to do any actual fucking tonight as we were both at our climax and ready to explode as I worked my mouth up and down his hard cock and swirling my tongue around the tip, whilst trying to remember some of the tips that I had read in all of the smutty erotica books that I had sitting on my kindle. I felt him give a little jolt that told me he was about to come too and I felt the wetness pooling in my pussy. One more swirl and aah, I’m about to come he spoke raspily. I opened my mouth wider as I tasted his warm cum on my tongue and running down the back of my throat. As he came, I felt my own about to erupt. Tucker sensed it and gave me another swirl with his gift from the gods – that magical tongue and I came more than I felt I ever had. This was an orgasmic moment to remember.
We then lay back on the bed, and I had a moment of worry pass by that the others in the lodge had heard our wild ride. As I laid there, I had a moment of panic as I had never had a one-night stand before and was unsure of what the correct protocol was. Do I stay or tell him I am leaving or Do I just up and leave? I turned to say to him; I was going when I noticed a little bit of snoring coming from his side. He must have been exhausted as it was now 4 am the following morning. I grabbed my dress and put that on and picked up my bra. He could keep my panties as I had spares and I didn’t want to wake him up.
I walked back to my hotel room and set my alarm for 9 am as I needed to get on the road as soon as I could as Mum and Dad were expecting me today. The Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, shake it off by Taylor swift started blaring from my phone. Time to get up, check out and say goodbye to Aria and Max. As I gathered my stuff together and closed the door to Room #7 and wandered down to the office, I briefly stopped to knock on Room #2 but stopped myself. It was just a one-night stand, and it’s not like I was ever going to see him again. I reached the office to check out where Aria was working behind the desk. I’m headed off now, I gave her a big hug and thanked her for the night as it was exactly what I had needed.
I hopped into my car and set off to Taverners – my hometown. Part of me was dreading seeing Mum and Dad as they would pull me back into the pity party that my life had been just as I was finally feeling the guts to move on. I turned on my radio and put on 78.7 GRX and listened to Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban’s The Fighter.
I was a fighter; I was a warrior; I am healthy and ready to move on with my life. I repeated this over and over to myself as I drove up and saw on the left a billboard welcoming me to Taverners – Population: 5387. Home of the Taverners Brewery, where most of the town work. This meant that I was about 15 minutes away from my childhood home.
I came up to the road and turned right down Holyoake Lane; we were the last house on the left. As I pulled up, I realized it had been at least about five years since I had been home with Mum and Dad coming to see us as Luke didn’t like the atmospheres of small towns. I arrived outside the house when the front door opened and out popped Mum and Dad. They must have been sitting at the window waiting for me to enter. Mum wrapped her arms around me squeezing the life out of me as she was giving me her famous sympathy face. “Give the girl some space, Liv” my dad piped out. I turned and smiled at him, he looked and nodded and went to the car to grab my bags. Always a man of few words my dad Patrick is.
Another Month Passes:
The players gonna play, play, play blared my alarm. Time to get up and head to work, I was in my second week at work. I had managed to get a job at this cute little bookshop which also doubled for the owner’s husbands tattoo shop next door. It was called Words and Ink. I loved my job and my co-workers Daphne and Katie and boss Suzy was terrific. I hadn’t felt this much at home in my old job, but here I managed to slip right in the mix.
It was the weekend coming up, and I had planned to have another quiet weekend curled up watching Netflix and devouring popcorn as I had the new Titans Season one to binge watch. The girls always laughed and called me an old soul, but the truth was once I settled back home and was away from Aria and Max and that burst of happiness. I started thinking about what Luke and Tammy were doing, and it devoured my every thought. I had to do something as for those first few weeks at home; I was spending day and night in my pajamas and moping around the house.
That’s when I saw the job one day in the newspaper, and I had wandered down to Words and Ink to check it out. They had music playing, the best books around and gave off a good vibe. I got the courage up and asked for a job application, and then Daphne told me to wait, that she would get the manager – Suzy. As soon as I met Suzy, I clicked with her straight away, and that buzz that I had with Aria was back. I just knew in my heart that this was the place I was supposed to be and to work at.
Interrupting my daydream, I heard Daphne say “Come out with us tonight,” we are heading to the Taverners Inn for Karaoke night. That’s what small towns did for fun – quiz nights and karaoke. I tried to talk myself out, but the truth was, I had nothing better to do. I reluctantly agreed and said something along the lines of sounds fun. I just had to stop home and get changed and would meet them at Taverners Inn.
It was odd being back at Taverners Inn as this is where Aria and I used to spend our nights in high school getting drunk and singing along to the jukebox. As I entered the door, I was brought back to my nights here as I looked around and saw that nothing had changed. Even now ten years later the place hadn’t changed a bit. The only difference was that it was owned by Billy Davies who had taken over the inn from his parents who last I heard had decided to retire in Cape Daniel as they had owned a summer house at there. Aria and I once visited it when Billy decided to throw a school break party there one summer. Aria used to date Billy’s best friend Travis, and I used to date his friend, Devon. Aah, good memories. Gosh, it made me feel old.
Over here, I turned and saw Daphne and Katie waving at me. I walked over to them and hugged them. Just like I had with Suzy, I had automatically clicked with these girls. We wandered over to the bar to order our drinks. Billy looked up, “Skye, hey what you are doing here. Last I heard you were living it up in the big city”. I needed to shut this conversation down quickly, so quickly blurted out didn’t work out. Can I order a drink? A tad shocked, but getting the idea Billy clicked on – what will it be, on the house? I ordered a Vodka and Red Bull and went to sit down with Daphne and Katie.
As the night wore on we started chatting about everything under the sun from favourite books to author gossip from discovering Sherilynn Kenyon’s husband was poisoning her – seriously it was like a storyline from a Lifetime movie to the latest of Dan Molloy aka AJ Finn lying that he had Cancer and then the shock that Anne Perry who had been voted one of UK’s best crime writers was, in fact, Juliet Hulme – one of the girls that were convicted in the murder of the Parker mother in New Zealand, a crime that shocked New Zealand shores so much that Peter Jackson had directed a movie based on it called “Heavenly Creatures”.
We then moved onto the topic of relationships which lead to my drunken rant of Luke the ex-fiancé and my ex-best friend Tammy and how they screwed me literally as just months to our wedding I discovered that those two had been having an affair and he left me for her. The positive side of things is thought that I at least found the cheating before the wedding actually had happened and life was looking up for me here at Taverners – well as much as it could. It was an entertaining night out and looking back on it; this was my second girl’s night out which would play a part in that domino effect that I was talking about earlier on.
I arrived at work, ready to start the shift and Daphne and Katie were there chatting away. I waved and said Good morning in passing as I went to make my morning cup of Earl Grey. I loved Mondays as that was one of the days, I was in charge. As much as I loved Suzy, it was nice to be the acting boss for the day. Daphne and Katie wandered into the staffroom, and I could tell that something was up.
They both had this weird grin on their faces; I put my hands up as to say nope, I don’t want a part of whatever it is that you girls are scheming. “We just want you to be happy,” Daphne said, and Katie put her two cents in of ‘we were thinking” after your conversation of the bad luck you have had in the love department.
Daphne grabbed my hand and brought me to the office where up on the computer screen Katie had opened up a dating site called Let’s Try Love. I stared at the tagline – Swipe + Like = Love. I couldn’t do an online dating site, I had heard about people that signed up for these sites. They were desperados and weirdos who couldn’t find a date in real life. I had heard of some crazy dating site stories like the one where the guy had turned out to be a stalker, and she had only one date with him. He started like texting her 100 million times and turning up at her workplace. What if he’s a crazed serial killer?
Katie piped up “This site isn’t like that at all.” My cousin Christina swears by it as she met her husband Corey on this site after a friend told her about it. Here look, they do full background checks, and their terms and conditions are quite explicit and in detail of what to and what not to expect.
As I read more about the site, it turns out it was created by a female named JB who fancied herself a matchmaker and wanted to match people up with their perfect matches. She had a knack for matchmaking. She just knew when two people should get together and used this site as almost like a front for her gift of love matchmaker skills.
With nothing to lose and the stubborn looks on both Daphne and Katie’s faces as I knew neither of them was going to give up. If I hadn’t created the profile myself, then they would have created one for me and who knows they might have given me cray-cray answers and I could have ended up with a weirdo like an Alaskan bushman or a cursing sailor.
I opened the main sign-up page and started entering the necessary details.
Name: Skye Lancaster
Country: Taverners, Pandora
Phone: 027 789 6572
Then there were the matching questions:
Username: BookishSkye
Favorite Animal: Unicorns – though this is debatable as some consider that they aren’t real animals, Hello, we have National Unicorn Day every April 9th
Favorite Author: James Patterson, Abbi Glines, Colleen Hoover
Favorite Position: Anything but Doggie style as I am no-ones bitch :P
Taking a deep breath, there was no going back as I pushed submit and awaited holding my breath for the matches to roll in.
Opening my eyes and counting to ten, I was surprised at the matches that started piling up. None of the first lots took my interest, and I thought I would be at a complete loss as I kept clicking nope he looks too stalkerish , next one – too fat, ewh – talk about not cleaning out nostril hair ; is he trying to grow his own jungle in his nose , no way what are we ten with his favorite cartoon being
PJ Masks and Wait a minute, what the hell what straight man loves cross-dressing ?? It seems like I was destined for only finding weirdos, so much for the girls’ adamancy that this site was safe from oddballs.
Scrolling back up on the screen, there in all his perfect glory was none other than my one-night stand Tucker and reading more I learned his last name was Heywood and I laughed as his favorite animal was a Dragon – If he can have a dragon, then I don’t see why Unicorn wasn’t acceptable. How on earth was it that he was looking for love? He did not lack in the good looks department, and the sex was fantastic not like it was with Luke.
Taking a deep breath, I clicked PM and counted to ten as I gathered up the courage to send him a message. Hey, remember me your one-night stand from a few months back? The chick from the hotel? I backspaced and went for the safe option – Hey FriarTuck, saw your profile on Let’s Try Love, not sure if you remember me but we met a few months ago while we were both staying at the Funky Monkey Lodge. Are you interested in meeting up for a C and C? Cheers, BookishSkye
Looking at the time, I closed the laptop and headed off to do some work as our children’s after-school Storytime was about to start and today was my turn to read them the books. Today’s reading aloud book was The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, and we were making some cute origami pigs as we were joining in on the celebration of National Pig Appreciation Week. Setting up the table of books with Pigs as characters we had Piglet from Winnie the Pooh, Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web, Mercy Watson and Nanny Piggins and of course who could forget Peppa Pig.
The rest of the day whizzed by, and as I arrived home, I heard a ding on my phone telling me I had a new email from FriarTuck. Hey BookishSkye, I remember ?? Best night ever. Fancy seeing you on here and would love to catch up, how about Friday night at Taverners Inn? FriarTuck.
Friday came, and I was a bundle of nerves and had butterflies fluttering around, I hadn’t felt this nervous in such a long time. I arrived, and there he was as hot as ever. We spent all night chatting and catching up as he mentioned he had moved here to work at the local lawyers’ firm as he was over the big city life and growing up in a small town, he preferred the homely feel that small towns have. We went back to his place as I had to embarrassedly explain that I was back living at my parents’ home and wasn’t quite ready for him to meet the parents on the first date, well technically our second date.
Fast forward to a month later, and I was in heaven, I had finally met a guy who loved me for who I was. The sex was utterly phenomenal. I had moved out of my parents home and guess what, readers we are engaged. Tucker surprised me this weekend by taking me to the place we first met which also meant that I got to catch up with Aria and Max and he had reserved Room #7. It was the perfect proposal ever, as he had brought an old book. The old book was sitting on the bed surrounded by rainbow colored rose petals. As I opened the book it had, had the pages hollowed out and when I opened the cover, there on the page in gold pen read Will You Marry Me ? with a purple ring box in the middle of the hollowed pages and as I opened the ring box. Tucker grabbed it and knelt on one knee and said BookishSkye, will you marry me? Of course, I said Yes.
Moral of the Story: Readers, if you feel like you have been burned by love. Don’t be afraid to try again and internet dating is not just filled with weirdos. Like a diamond can be found in the rough, amongst the sea of weirdos may be your very own Prince Charming or in my case FriarTuck.