More and more we see claims adjusters settling without evaluating or aggressively pursuing third party negligence on behalf of their clients. This is intensified by the fact that many new adjusters do not have a general understanding of common law principles to even pursue such action.
As claims become more frequent, severe and complex, recognition that there may be a third party at fault should be efficiently reviewed on every claim, including aggressive follow-up and pursuit by the claims adjuster. Third-party liability is complicated, and therefore your adjuster should have professional experience and training in ways to identify areas that may involve subrogation. This goes beyond the obvious automobile, rear-end accident.
Q1: Have operating manuals, maintenance logs, records, and alterations been secured and reviewed?
Q2: In a catastrophic automobile accident, does your insurer or TPA have a rapid response team to include accident re-constructionists, field adjusters, legal firms, forensic engineers, etc.?