The Cognitive Loop
From Previous Process
New Memory Object
Polymorphic Linking and Pattern Recognition
Polymorphism is the linking together of ‘symbols’ so that they can be lined up in association, thereby providing meaning or understanding of the initial ‘symbol’, and the combined linked associates; ‘the context’. This whole combination (combined on usefulness) becomes the new extension of our present, working Archetype as a new memory object, that fulfills the on-going thought process and is, at the same time, a new remnant in the present, growing polymorphic understanding. Again, Archeological Layering is an extension of this mental process - on the level of and in an on-going development project.
In artificial intelligence work, in the beginning, truth is based on truth tables of the design process. These are not abstract because they are particular truth. But these are tedious. When there is a change, the truth table needs to be read. But how much of the whole truth table must be read for “this” change? And have those truth table items been corrected with the change? Is that all the things that have changed? I call the truth table or “total processing” methodology the brute force approach. It is brute force coding and all the steps need to be covered with each change in the system. As the system builds up in complexity we also can to fall back on philosophical methods of “abstract truth”. This is more dangerous in a computer environment. The computer has no intuition.
The problem issue is in the complexity of processing. Meaning is a better way to abstract the relationship with reality than the abstraction of Truth. Meaning has a different way of deciding these issues, The advantage is that the Meaning based cross checks are with reality not with a secondary process that depends on updating the truth table and then reading the truth table. The previous changes that we need to react to are made through the Archetype system so the changes (themselves) update the “reality” references that are part of the system. Any check through Meaning is current and real, if we process through the Archetype system.
Instantiated Extended Object for this Archetype
Meaning - The Real Basis of Processing Language
This is the Mind's default processing
This is how Meaning works in memory - as formulated by Jung. The Archetypes are the center of Meaning; and are attached to the mental memory objects (through extension), and to the earth (through the Shadow Archetype) [an interpretation of Jung]. The sum total of all that (extended memories and the Archetypes) is what I call the context (the context is the transcendental, or transcendence is contextual[DJH] - this is the room we live in).
Instantiated with Interpreted New Instance
Showing the Context and the Shadow Items as Buckets
New Remnant in Memory
Instantiated Extended Object for this Archetype
Meaning - The Real Basis of Processing Language
This is the Context Plus Buckets
Partly the Conscious View of the Mind
(but your Context cannot "View" the buckets}
(The Buckeys are our link to the Reality Context)
The Data Buckets at the Bottom are in the Shadow
The Data Buckets are, in fact, Shadow Class Items (not Instantiated)
Recognizing the pattern, of the mental object, is its Meaning. Patterns overlying patterns is our means of building memories (and consciousness). The patterns need to make a story (in a broad definition of story). Truth interferes with Meaning, as ultimately, Truth moves the abstract (needed for Meaning) into the totally abstract (in order to be philosophical truth) and throws our link to reality away. This is because Truth most be above reality (the main importance of being truth). The only way to be above reality and still make any sense is to be totally abstract. But Meaning needs the abstract link, to reality, to be Meaning. Thus Meaning is lost in Truth. Never instantiate an abstract class [From Any Object Oriented Programming Textbook].
Old Bucket
Change Bucket
Then Repeat the Process for the New Bucket
This is the Context
This is the Conscious View of the Memory Objects of the Mind
You may not View it All-At-Once
Some of this is Perception and not Seeing Literally
(You cannot "View" [or perceive] the buckets)
Interpreting Using Polymorphic Methodology
The Shadow and the Archetypes are our link to reality. We need to understand how this link works so we can base our analysis and development on Reality rather than on Theory.
This is how the Computer Processes Information
ALU Processes | CPU Registers | Program Listing
Computer Process: FETCH, DECODE, EXECUTE.
This Particular Process in the Mind: LINK, EXTEND, INSTANTIATE,
Link to Contextuality