The Third Eye Chakra
Stonehenge; Wiltshire, England: Ancient travelers are said to have used these great monoliths as portals to access universal energies.

The Third Eye Chakra

Function: Expanded consciousness Color: Blue

Meditation Sound: Regenerative Spiritual Reset by Mettaverse Music

The third eye chakra is located south, center of the forehead, and just slightly north center of the brow-line. It is represented by the color blue and is where your intuition resides. It is the junction within the chakra system where the veil is lifted and the magic begins. If you allow it.

The 3rd Eye is activated by a little known gland that is often referred to as the doorway to expanded consciousness. The pineal gland is located just about dead-center of the brain. It's spark fueled perhaps, by a small crystal nestled in its center. The pineal gland activates organically with the build-up, balancing, and dispersal of chakra energy from above and below. It is anatomically positioned to align with the eyes; though not perfectly, and creates two "vibrational" pyramids, as it is spatially connected with the 3rd eye and the throat chakras, and is similarly connected to the Crown chakra and the eyes.

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Wear a labradorite blue-stone bindi to stimulate the 3rd eye. Give thanks and affirmation to the history and traditions of South Asian culture.

When the 3rd eye opens, you gain the ability to see your life, as well as collective experiences symbolically, or rather episodically. You access the parts of you that you may have previously been afraid to acknowledge. By this point you've reached an acceptance of the wonder of possibility and you desire to experience it at the highest levels attainable to you, based on your vibrational frequency. Your awareness of reality shifts, and you come to understand that it is as relative to vibration, as it is to intention and free-will follow-thru. Which is why its so important to surround ourselves with energy affirming objects and furnishings, materials, jewelry and art in all of its forms.

Our individual frequencies fluctuate from minute to minute depending on many factors-- what you are busy at, your thoughts, intentions, anxieties, etc. That divinely-inspired idea that you just had may very well be divinely-inspired, and it may have arrived within a very brief window of clarity, where your vibration was off the charts and your 3rd eye opened. It happens when we sleep, as we return to a much more natural state of equilibrium when the body rests. And there are those that live in a perpetual state of open communication over-the-veil utilizing clairsentient, clairvoyant, and clairaudient abilities activated by and connected to vibration.

A blocked or unopened 3rd eye is a perfectly normal and acceptable state. It doesn't make you a horrible person or the next roadside strangler. It's the default setting of our collective reality, and the majority of the population (99%) accept this limitation as fact, for no reason other than it makes life easier. Enough said.

So, place your hand on your throat. Move your hand to your heart. Move your hand back to your throat. Ponder the connection between the two. We will pick this up a little later. Clear your mind of all thoughts. Give thanks for your abundance. Focus your breathing, and exist in those moments with the intention of connecting with that peaceful, knowing place where your intuition exists. Close your eyes further-- to that point where it seems as though a nictitating membrane seals the deal. It's dark. Sit with this. Breathing. You're 3rd eye opens, and it looks and feels a lot like this!

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