Third approach. Why can′t we tackle the climate change?

Third approach. Why can′t we tackle the climate change?

Why can′t we tackle the climate change?

Third approach. How else can we express this same question?

What would we need to do if we want to tackle the climate change in a effective way and seeking for smooth and elegant success in our progress towards the goal?

I mean, if we talk about the Weather we are not talking about any idea, we are talking about the time in terms of NOW but that NOW is synchronized with the beating of our hearts.

It means, the Weather is a big player in our Life each and every moment and also each and everywhere, for every one.

It is not like we can tell the oceans what they need to do in order to satisfy our #Business expectations. We are stupidly tiny comparing with our own frame of Life. We are simply happening within the rains and the winds and the dancing game of the moon ruling on our waters and being our natural solar clock.

To talk about the Weather we should imaging 7.700.000.000 million creatures nacked and full of Divine light, completely unaware of their own beauty.

Completely unable to understand that Life is not a #BusinessGame but #Business used to be a kind of game very useful to elevate the quality of the human living.

I feel like, somehow, somewhere, we have lost the main focus. We are living for our #Business instead of creating #Business to improve our quality of living.

We are all striving to improve our lives but at the same time, we are all trapped in our own global net not knowing how to get out of this crazy system that is clearly tending to colaps by itself and need constantly rescue work to be sustained and responsable thinking to be improved.

We are in a complicated situation with many different aspects to be observed and taken in consideration, but, instead of seeking for a proper solution, I am going to ask myself another question.

Can at all anyone of us be the owner of Reality? Has anyone of us enough power to bring all the rest to the kind of changes his/her mind are wishing to happen? In other words, is anyone of us as powerful as the Wheather? Is anyone of us able to avoid the influence of all the others?

I have absolutely no doubst about this: None of us is the owner of Reality.

The Weather maybe is the best common owner of Reality we have. None of us can really tell about the future when it comes about the Wheather. That might be a good sign of Its true power on our lives.

The Weather has Its own Random.

IT is helping us to approach the awareness of that Universal Random which creates the Wheather, but we are not yet managing to jump up fast enough into this new thinking wave, and we clearly need to improve our effectiveness at taking control of the climate change. That might be our most important global challenge for this century.

We really need to help ourselves at this in the day by day life and put some strategy into the process because fighting thinking habits is as difficult as fighting any other kind of habits or even more because most of us, have absolutely no previous education at this discipline.


The day by day thinking occurs mainly in form of Words and occurs daily in a incredibly variety of Languages, those provide our ground thinking tools: Concepts.

In the last years, the social media networks are developing in a half intuituinal, half intentional way their own new and genuine communication protocols, which are bringing more and more of us to higher awareness of the importance of Communication, Intercommunication and Misscommunication in all spheres of our lives.

Now, let′s have a look about our thinking habits about this three levels of Communication as a fact.

1. We are working hard about Communication.

Coach, Motivational Speakers, New Evangelist, Creative Writters, Youtubers, and so on, are constantly adding attention to spread the right messages, constantly trying to help others understand the importance of taking this as a serious matter: help your own self in first instance and then, become a fruitful creature for the world around you. Many of us, probably most of us are already familiar with the main principles of Positive Thinking and their many advantages but still, our level of expertise and awareness is being insuficient.

2. We are improving fast about Intercommunication

The number of channels of which we are aware nowadays is increasing at a very fast rate. Most of social media aware people, maybe a thrird of all of us, human fellows on Earth (no real idea on this but I guess it could be), are active in more and more different social networks like, for example, myself.

I interact regularly in about 10 different social networks and it feels like having 10 different virtual countries, each one with its own rules, its own purpose, its own “atmosphere”. I simply love to be a virtual nomad. It connects me with what is happening outside my “normality” box.

And, more importantly, this is unconsciously bringing all of us to develop a much wider decodification natural ability.

For me, for example, here in Linkedin, considering it as a communication platform, we are a proof of work of a global non biased multidisciplinar, intergenerational and international dialog hub.

And I love it!

I call it the “BlindLOVEplatform” because it has taken me to appreciate others for the value of their inspiring minds, valuable thoughts and amazing insights, regardless of their age, appearance, degrees, nationality or any other label we could know about them.

I think this phenomenon is happening to millions of us in all different social networks.

I see many more social networks coming son and I am sure about decentralized technologies will help us to grow at this "multichannel awareness" in a much easier and effective way in a short future time.

We are discovering the important value of the Intangible Facts but still mainly ignoring the mandatory conditions given by the Unpredictable Facts, like, for example, the Weather....

Let′s keep that though for a next approach to the starting question.

Now, I do not want to loose the focus on the main question on this article.

What would we need to do if we want to tackle the climate change in a effective way and seeking for smooth and elegant success in our progress towards the goal?

3. Stop ignoring the malicious effect of Misscommunication in our lives.

We should stop understimating the real cost of Misscommunication.

We should stop ignoring the importance of reducing the Noise.

We should stop consuming so much energy and resouces in repairing what we could easily avoid if improving our command of Effective Communication.


In other words:

Improve your efforts to reduce Misscommunication.

Misscommunication is the main key of Ineffecctiveness, Emotional Suffering and Confusion.

From my academical background I can tell that in terms of delivering, transfering and receiving Information effectively, there are three main aspects to work on:

  • Accurate and Safe Codification of the message.
  • Minimization of Noise and Optimization of Clarity
  • Eficient Intercommunication Protocol

That same happens among us humans, day by day, when any two of us are trying to exchange ideas, visions, perceptions, observations, etc. It happens like the Weather, like the Time, like Life, as constant fact.

That′s is why, we ALL are needing to educate ourselves to include the cost of Misscommunications in each personal improvement ecuation of our particular lives.

We ALL need to train ourselves against our own BAD COMMUNICATION HABITS, like believing rather than doubting or presuming rather than asking, like imagining things happening without our own rol in the play...

All individuals, all families, all companies, all countries could benefit if investing some strategy and some efforts in this abandoned field: Reduce Misscommunication.

Please, take it for a moment into personal consideration.

Reduction of Missunderstandings is a very interesting NO COST resource to access to natural improvement but I am sorry, my dear professionals, you will have serious difficulties to make calculations when creating strategy towards reducing Missunderstanding because the most effective way to success at it, is to improve Listening, Openness and Trust and none of the 3 main ingredients can be trade. 

Are we at all able to search for solutions out of the #Business patterns?

Solutions to tackle the Wheather are a bit like the Weather itself and therefore, they need to be created mainly focusing on the Intangible facts.

So, do not try to approach the challenge as a professional or you will fail.

Instead of, try to imagine the challenge for yourself as human being and then, add all the best of your professional ability, the power of your own personal network and the energy of your day to take proof of this: The most amazing thing when fighting Misscommunication, is that each and everyone of us has constant free right of choice at it. There is absolutely nothing that take us appart from giving it a go. We all can make it even as a personal hobby.

Even in jail, one can improve at avoiding Misscommunication. Even in pain, one can improve at it too.

Even in silence, we can improve; from our inside.

Reducing Misscommunication is key.

How could we start, for example?

We all, each one of us, have our personal inherited, developed and experienced idea of the concept God, and that concept has created global dialog, debate and fight since we have memory of ourselves.

My suggestion after all this thinking: Could we take the Random power of the Weather as a good approach to the global concept of GOD?


