Thinking Wrong: How to Trick our Brains into Being More Innovative
Rita McGrath
C-Suite Strategist | Thinkers 50 Top 10 | Best-selling author | Columbia University Business School Professor
Once we’ve learned how to do something, we become “unconsciously competent” at it. In order to break with the predictable path and move forward, what my good friend and colleague, Greg Galle , suggests is that we need to “think wrong.” That means opening our minds to new possibilities. In a recent session he led for Columbia Executive Education for Genentech, he elaborates.
Leaving the predictable path
As Greg pointed out to the class, there are synaptic connections that are forged when we learn something.?It creates a neural pathway that is quite functional.?It allows our brains to conserve energy and thinking power once something has become a routine.?For instance, consider the experience of arriving at home after a routine drive without consciously remembering the journey!?This is often called “unconscious competence ” and is the final destination of a learning journey.?This is functional from the point of view of conserving energy for what we might need to pay attention to – threats in the environment, for instance. ?
The problem, however, is when we need to come up with a novel solution or an innovation, we need to leave the predictable path and journey on to what Greg calls the “bold path.”?That means we need to trick our brains into sparking a novel reaction.?We need to spark our imaginations (as my friend, BCG’s Martin Reeves, points out, this is almost always the result of encountering something unexpected- a link to our Fireside Chat is here ). ?
There is also a cultural dimension to all this.?As humans interact over time, we develop a set of shared beliefs about what is acceptable.?This comes to represent what has been dubbed the “Overton Window .”?The Overton window represents the range of policies and ideas that are widely accepted by a relevant population.?If you come up with an idea that is outside the Overton window, it will be a struggle to get it widely accepted.?That much being said, it is possible to shift the Overton window , expanding and shifting the policies that a given population will accept.?Recent examples include the widespread acceptance of same-sex marriage and the legalization of marijuana, policies that not too long ago would have been a political third rail.?See also my conversation with Leslie Crutchfield on how social changes such as these happen. ?
The idea behind “think wrong” is to conquer biology and culture to change things from how they are to how they might be.?It’s the ability to trick our brains into thinking of new possibilities and get a group of people to consider something their culture would normally resist. ?
The Six Core “Think Wrong” practices
There are six core practices in the ThinkWrong system, which are also described in a book of the same name , that goes into a lot of depth on them. ?
?As Greg describes, these are all specific practices that we can learn and apply and work at improving.?His company, SolveNext , runs workshops and has a seemingly infinite library of drills and practices that they use to help organizations and teams go through these. ?
Here is a rundown on the techniques:
Distinguishing between the performance system and the innovation system
A big theme for Greg’s session is that you need two systems, working together. Your performance system delivers results in the here and now.?Your innovation system represents the “next” for your organization – it’s the future that doesn’t exist yet.?Greg has been developing curriculum for what he calls the “masters of next ” to help organizations implement the right rules and processes for that next organization. ??
After the introduction of these core concepts, our Genentech participants spent an energizing couple of hours working in project teams around big, meaty, challenges the company is facing, using the SolveNext methods to better define their challenges.?One of my favorite exercises is one Greg calls “anchors and rockets .”?After defining some kind of positive future state that’s a departure from the predictable path, participants consider what aspects of their situation might be accelerants to get there (the rockets) and what might need to change because it’s a drag on progress (the anchors). ?
It was a fun and energizing morning at Genentech’s California learning center. ?
If this sounds like something your organization might benefit from, reach out!
Greg is part of our network at Valize, and we can design terrific workshops and interactions that can help you spark more creative thinking and create options.?Reach out to connect with us here and we’ll set something up. ?
LinkedIn Top Voices in Company Culture USA & Canada I Executive Advisor | HR Leader (CHRO) | Leadership Coach | Talent Strategy | Change Leadership | Innovation Culture | Healthcare | Higher Education
1 年Thanks Rita McGrath
Experta en desarrollar competencias para el éxito en entornos cambiantes y ambiguos (VICA).
1 年Thanks for sharing Rita McGrath: love your article! (very helpfull for Flexibility in Learning Agility) ??
Foundstone Advisory, Director | Market & Customer Insights | Modern Strategy | Open Strategy
1 年"The idea behind 'think wrong' change things from how they are to how they might be". Really interesting concept Rita, thanks for sharing
Business Growth | CX | JTBD | Change Management (ADKAR) | Growth Strategy | Digital Transformation | Design Thinking | Agile | Lean Six Sigma | French Language | IIM Bangalore
1 年Amazing article
Founder and Chairman @ Humanforce360 | Trustable Systemic Future Transformative Leadership Transformational Strategist
1 年Rita McGrath, great thoughts, but to turn ''unconsciously competent'', you have to be ''consciously competent ''first! Great athletes do this all the time. Gabor Csepregi, called this years ago the Performance Paradox! Unfortunately, businesses have been constrained for the past 500 years to achieve this! Its' hard core designed-in for ''unconscious incompetence'', and some people are well paid to prevent to move up the learning stairs.