Thinking about taking the #entrepreneur plunge? Read this first.
Chantal Pierrat
Leading Culture & Leadership Transformation ? CEO of Emerging Women & Emerging Human ? 50+ Coaches, 30+ countries, 30+ Fortune 500 Companies.
The emerging woman is brave.
The emerging woman is intuitive.
The emerging woman not only brings something to the table, but she rearranges the table all feng shui like so that more people can fit. That's how female entrepreneurship can be different and inclusive.
But the emerging woman also needs help.
I asked Daphne Stanford to bring forth some resources for those contemplating the big leap that is entrepreneurship. Check out what she had to offer here.
BONUS: Forming a concrete image of your future entrepreneurial success can keep you motivated when the going gets tough. Try this guided visualization from Right-Brain Business Plan author Jennifer Lee to connect with your future success: Play Power Practice #04: Crafting the Big Vision for Your Business