Thinking about success for the New Year…

Thinking about success for the New Year…

Dec 31-23 Canmore, Alberta

“Survival goes not necessarily to the strongest or most intelligent, but to the one that is most adaptable to change.” ~ Charles Darwin ?

Around 350 BC, Aristotle propounded his “Principle of Causality”, which is now?recognized as the foundational law of western philosophy and western thought.


The Law of Cause & Effect


Simply put, the Law of Cause and Effect says that everything happens for a reason. It says that for every effect in your life there is a cause, or a series of causes, whether you know them or agree with them or not.?


Nothing happens by chance.


Furthermore, if there is anything you want in life, any effect that you desire, you can probably acquire it. You simply find someone else who has achieved the same result or effect that you desire. You then discipline yourself to do the same things that he or she did, over and over, until you eventually get the same results and rewards.?


It is completely predictable, and largely under your control.


“You Become What You Think About Most of the Time”


Perhaps the most important corollary of the Law of Cause and Effect is this:?


“Thoughts are causes, and conditions are effects.”


Your mind is the most powerful force in your universe. You are where you are and what you are because of your habitual ways of thinking. Your thoughts are creative, and they ultimately create your reality. Therefore, if you change your thinking, you change your life.?

You actually become a different person and get different results.


Let’s be clear. 2023 is officially over … by tomorrow anyway.


I hope you and your business had a very productive and great 2023 - that you reached all of the goals that you set out to reach.


But I suspect, you, like many, didn't reach all or even most of the goals you had set for yourself. One reason many do not, is because they spread themselves too thin, or didn't pick ONE promising project and focused only on that until completion.


Too many entrepreneurs wait until things are “perfect” before they launch a product or new web site or service. Did you know this is the OPPOSITE of how most of the super successful entrepreneurs operate?


There's an old joke about Microsoft that their mantra is…“Ship first, fix second.”


This is referring to them releasing software products (like versions of Windows) still with a lot of bugs yet they released them anyway so they could collect sales. That same concept, to varying degrees, is what most big-money entrepreneurs do.?


Do you know any super successful business owners? What do they all have in common??


I'll tell you…

  1. They are FEARLESS. They aren't afraid for their projects to fail. Because they know they have a ton of other ideas that they can execute next. ?
  2. They know when they release something for sale or try a new marketing campaign that it's never going to be perfect right out of the gate, and they will work to improve it once they get it out there and it starts getting results. ?
  3. They understand that they can't do it all themselves. In fact, the most successful ones get others to do most of the work for them and they just come up with the ideas. (The ultimate dream of any entrepreneur) ?
  4. They understand that CASH IS KING. Cash flow is everything. You must focus on “what will bring in the most cash next?” Without cash you and your business cannot survive. If you're not MAKING OFFERS and asking people to buy stuff, you're going to be in deep trouble. ?
  5. They are HYPER-PRODUCTIVE. Even if they only work 3 hours a day, they are very productive. They have systems they use for brainstorming & creating mind maps, managing projects, and communicating with outsourcers that are doing all the ‘heavy lifting’ such as setting up web sites, design, Tech stuff, and even handling their customer support.

So if you analyze all of that, here's what you come up with…


Productive Idea Creation & Management -> Fast Implementation Via Delegation or Outsourcing -> Make Offers Without Fear of Perfection -> Quickest Path to New Cash Flow…. REPEAT.


If you want to make 2024 your best year yet you MUST execute some or better, all of these factors.?


This takes, however, courage, planning, and bold action. Most business owners cannot or will not do this … without outside guidance and assistance.


If this is you, and you want 2024 to be your best year ever and you don’t have someone in your corner … start the year by asking for a free business strategy session today.?


Until next week,

Stay healthy and focus on profit!?


- Hugh? The “Profit Accelerator” Expert


P.S. I created, to help business owners like you maximize your sales and profits. And learn how to properly attract good prospects, then convince them to buy from you, over and over again. Members get access 24/7 to all the foundational and strategic business building training, plus real examples from over 140 different industries, so you can get more clients and keep the clients you have.


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