Thinking of Squared Online?
Seven months ago I felt the need to update my skills and knowing more about the digital world and digital marketing was high on my agenda. A bit of searching uncovered Squared Online, a course run through a partnership between Google and Home Learning Centre, that promised to challenge and stretch participants to equip them with vital skills for digital marketing. This month I, and many others, completed the diploma. If you are considering, 'Squared' as the means to get comfortable and confident with digital then I hope that you will find this account useful.
The course is entirely online and makes highly effective use of a virtual campus, live streaming lectures and virtual teamwork. The course is modular, comprising five modules and an induction section that not only acts as a course guide but also makes available practical tasks that ease you into the course.
Each live lecture is supported with pre-class and post-class activities that not only introduce topics and concepts but also include practical tasks that require thought and reflection. In addition to module classes Squared requires project work with an assigned virtual team of fellow course participants called, 'Squares'. Squares can post and access shared links through the private Google+ community.
The Squared programme does not teach hands-on software use skills but certainly challenges throughout with tasks and team projects that require a willingness to find out how to do things online as well as actively thinking about the digital world, its potential to disrupt and change business activity and trends that are emerging. For this reason it is clear that no two consecutive Squared courses contain the same topics and the programme has to be kept fresh and up-to-date.
Going into too much detail about the specifics of module project work might not be helpful given the pace of change in digital. However teamwork did include a marketing proposal, website optimisation report and an industry white paper. The initial personal video submission was used as an interesting way to introduce team members to one another.
The importance of teamwork and leadership skills go to the heart of the Squared experience. Tasks have self-reflection built in and each module project submission requires feedback to be given to assess the level of involvement, contribution and commitment from each team member.
It possibly goes without saying that what each person gets out of Squared is directly proportionate to the amount of effort and dedication they put into the programme and any opportunities that may arise from the course are of each person's making.
If you are considering Squared at the moment I can definitely recommend diving right in. It is an excellent course that has opened my eyes to digital and teamwork alike in new ways. The only regret I have now is making use of the time I usually spent on Squared each week on other projects. You can expect Squared to take up between 7-10 hours a week time commitment. As they say, 'no pain, no gain'. Best of luck!
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