Thinking Outside of The Box- Something We Should Package and Use Everyday
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Why We Should Join This Professional Learning Community
We currently have over 1350 members of World Class Schools. What if we could get all of them to join in the Professional Learning Community? There are three main reasons to do this.
First, by joining the PLC you can add your input in changing how we teach all over the world today. Currently PLC's are usually made up of individual teachers from inside of one school building. This is not diversity of opinions it have become standardization of thought. Instead of making education better or more free it has enslaved the teachers in to what can only be described as a boring, dull, standardized curriculum. Teaching is not a science, it is truly an art form. Teaching is not nor should it be- just a job. It is a passion and should be expressed as such. Education is a process by which we learn not a result of a standardized thought process.
Second, by join PLC you can share with like minded educators all over the world bringing the world to your classroom and helping your students. No matter where you live or what you teach- you can participate and help your students.
Third, as educators who want to bring change why not actually do what we would like to do or what we do naturally. We should teach other teachers and share with them our successes. By doing this we increase our influence and we begin to actually help the world. Isn't this what education is all about any way.
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