Thinking Outside The Box!
Lorianne Vaughan-Speaks
Retired: Founder/CEO of LVS Consulting Services * Mentoring for Speakers, Authors and Podcasters.
If you read my blog on a regular basis you know I share a lot of content on helping speakers perfect their message and grow their businesses. You also know I am a sports fanatic- and will attend all types of events.
This week I was given 2 tickets to a LA Kings (hockey) game. As a 4th generation Los Angelino, my knowledge of this sport is somewhat limited, but I like to do new things - so I was excited to go. The night before the game my friend had to bail but I decided to go by myself…another “outside-the-box” idea for this 63-year-old lady.
I can say now, I am glad I thought “outside my box!”
I took the Metro into downtown LA, something I do maybe 3 times a year and met a lovely young man who told me so much about the game and Kings history. As we exited the Metro he walked me to my entrance. I asked if he was meeting friends and he said no. He was just planning to buy a ticket when he got there. I asked if he wanted the 2nd ticket since he had been so kind. He seemed taken aback yet accepted and we enjoyed a great game (though we lost) and he bought me a soda as a thank you. He was my son’s age so there was nothing hinky going on. He was just a really nice young man.
At the end of the game, he again walked me to the Metro and rode with me (his exit was before mine) and as I said goodbye and thank you for a great afternoon, he asked if I wanted him to go with me to my exit to make sure I got to my car safely!!! Wow - his mom should be so proud - she raised a great gentleman!
I did decline as it was still daytime and felt safe. But it restored my faith in the younger generation and helped me consider other “outside-the-box” opportunities.
What have you resisted doing because it was “outside your box?” I invite you to try something new, something you are not totally comfortable doing…and just go for it! You may just be surprised and pleased with your decision!
I’d love to hear what you have done that was or is “outside-the-box thinking for you!