Thinking Out-Of-The-Box
Roger Orban
Industry Manager, Generative Design & Additive Manufacturing Business, Strategy and Marketing
How often have you been asked to “think out-of-the-box” on a specific design problem? All too often, we find ourselves limited by our training, “rules of thumb”, heuristics, past design history, our own biases, corporate rules, or the most dangerous phrase in business,” We have always done it this way”. At times, we cannot get out of our own way.
To date, one strategy for new design ideas and “thinking out-of-the-box” has been simulation-driven design and another is Topology Optimization. Much has been written about simulation-driven design and Topology Optimization as “Best Practices” for product development that leverages simulation tools early. Today, simulation is so fast that the result is returned in less than a minute, and coupled with Topology Optimization, algorithms automatically adjust the topology based on the input conditions and the results. The upshot is a reduction in physical prototypes, resulting in greater product performance as well as time and cost savings.
Five years ago, I would have agreed that these were the right paths to take, but over the last several years, a better, more logical “Best Practice” has emerged that embodies the term “thinking-out-of-the-box”: Generative Design.
To be clear, generative design is a capability accessed on the Fusion 360 platform, a cloud-based CAD/CAM tool for collaborative product development that combines industrial design, mechanical engineering, simulation, electronics design, topology optimization, generative design, documentation, additive manufacturing, and CNC machine tool programming into one software solution. Fusion 360 can be purchased separately at an affordable price or is accessible as an entitlement to every licensed Autodesk PDMC user.
Why Not Simulation Driven Design with Topology Optimization?
The biggest reason is that simulation-driven design with Topology Optimization is hampered from the get-go is because it starts with human bias, a human designed model… as a result, one may end up taking a pre-determined path unknowingly optimizing a less than optimal design concept. Even the best and brightest engineers are only capable of developing, then exploring a few design concepts in the time allowed during a typical project.
Simulation-driven design and Topology Optimization both require a completed design model before analysis can be started. That means that simulation and optimization is dependent upon the design direction a human has taken. Unfortunately, a human only has enough time and bandwidth to explore 1 or 2 design concepts before finally sending off to simulation (optimization).
In many companies, simulation is only allowed to be performed by a separate group of FEA experts. Simulation by these FEA Experts often becomes a gate in the process. This step adds time and cost to the process and in many cases may take the designer/engineer off the chosen design path. Therefore, in some cases, Designers and Engineers at times try to work-around this gate, even avoiding this step whenever possible.
Why Generative Design?
Generative Design in Autodesk Fusion 360 is built around Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Algorithms automatically create the required geometry based on the performance, materials, conditions input, manufacturing direction and results, going much further than Topology Optimization’s ability to only adjust the submitted CAD model. Generative Design in Autodesk Fusion 360 begins with the definition of the engineering and design problem, not part history, or a human’s CAD Model.
Generative Design in Autodesk Fusion 360 lets the computer think out of the box for you, taking training, corporate and human biases out of the mix. Generative design puts decision making back where it belongs, in the hands of the engineer and designer. The designer or engineer is the most knowledgeable on the performance goals, the required design parameters, the loading and constraints the product will be subjected to.
Generative Design in Autodesk Fusion 360 becomes a cocreation partner, solving complex mechanical engineering problems faster and without human bias, developing multiple design options for evaluation by the designer/engineer.
Generative Design in Autodesk Fusion 360 provides an opportunity to rethink the initial design concept and potential manufacturing methods, providing an opportunity to explore hundreds of possible design concept permutations, including both traditional (subtractive) and newer (additive) manufacturing methods, as well as costing based on geometric complexity, materials and manufacturing methods.
It is truly out-of-the-box thinking. The result?
Higher performing, easier to manufacture, less expensive designs in less time.
The world has taken notice. Please read McKinsey & Company’s take on Generative Design, “How generative design could reshape the future of product development”
Pre / Post Cloud, Big Data, Data, Analytics, Storage, HPC, AI / ML, IoT, Robotics, CAE/CAD/CAM/CIM/PLM/CFD/SIM/NLP, Data Intelligence, Vision Intelligence, Automation, Scientific / Generative AI
1 年Het just to early like I do AI for CAD eh