Thinking about the New Year
Thinking about the New Year
Christmas is past the new year yet to begin, a time of limbo. Oh, for many it is a busy time prepping for a party or getting the new year plans established. Perhaps even planning a final party to start off the new year right. But for many, the new year is just another day. To each their own busy or taking a breath after the Christmas season. Each of us makes our own choices. Each of us makes our own plans.
But that is exactly what life is, making our own choices and then walking in them. Some of our choices, hopefully, most, are good and lead us down the path we want to walk. Some of them were not as well planned out or simply went sideways and we still walk in the result of those choices as well. That is life, that is the reality of what we do. We choose, we plan, and we move forward. Life.
Do you like where your life is going? Do you like the results of your current choices? Have you had a chance to evaluate where you are versus where you planned on being? Rarely are we where we planned, life is like that, but that does not always mean we are disappointed with the results. In fact many times we adjust our plans as we go, changing our priorities or simply seeing a better route. But other times we simply get too busy to make the adjustments we need to arrive at a place where we are most pleased.
So, if you have the chance, take the time to evaluate where you are versus where you want to be. Are you pleased with your progress? If not, what choices do you need to make to guide you back to where your plans originally led? Bad choices can derail your plans, but you have no need to stay derailed. Choose a new path that leads you to where you want to be.
For those who are pleased with where you are and where things are going, what do you need to keep you on the right path? What plans have you put in place to keep you there? The reason I ask is that I think we can all agree that the idea of “we have arrived” is not real. Arrived means finished the path. And unless you are dead you have not arrived. Yes, you might have reached a very good place and would like to stay there. So choose and plan to do so.
For those who find this time of year a bit of limbo, ponder, think, and if need be, adjust. If not, plan a great party and have a blast. Even if that party is simply watching the sun go down over your favorite view as you sip a cup of tea, (Coffee for some). Life is a series of choices and plans to make those choices happen.
May yours be amazing and the results beyond your expectations.