Thinking Makes It So
Here are some things that don't exist: A bad day, a boring book, a demeaning job, and an ugly dress (or shirt, or shoes).
Now why would anyone, in their right mind, say that there is no such thing as a bad day or an ugly dress? Shakespeare had this idea in mind when he said, "Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so." You see, if those shoes were truly ugly, every single person we asked would say, "Yes, that is ugly." But what are the chances of that happening? Not very big.
And if the day was truly bad, then no one could possibly be having a good day on that date, could they? And even if two people share the very same experience on the same day, one of them may call it bad and the other one may say, “Now wait a minute. There is another way to look at it.”
And that is exactly the point. There is always another way of looking at things. So, why in the world would you voluntarily choose a way that is negative, devaluing or one that makes you feel badly? You have the ability to control your thoughts and your emotions, and you can put that ability to work to change the way you react to situations that cross your path.
The first step is believing that not only is it possible to change perspective, but that it is possible for you. And when you feel you can do it, then you try. And the more you try, the better you get at it. Negative feelings that once dominated you can be made to go away, and the time it takes you to banish them will grow shorter and shorter. Until one day, you may surprise yourself by saying, “You know, I cannot remember the last time I really felt angry or depressed!” Yes, it is possible. Believe it.
And you have the power to make it so.