Thinking Key Takeaways , Tips and Tricks , Simple Life Example and Problem Analysis.
Omar Osama (He/Him)
Certified SAP S/4HANA MM/EWM/ARIBA/SD Consultant | Top Leadership Voice in Egypt | Content Creator Solopreneur (No Ghost Writers ) | Ex-IBM
In this article we are going to apply the previous thinking techniques to a life example but at the beginning let us state the key takeaways from the previous 2 articles:
Key Takeaways:
-We want to apply a thinking process in a logical sequence to produce a certain output or the thinking sequence might not take us to an output, but you can use this thinking process as a reference that you can take it into consideration to produce a starting point to your next sequence thinking process.
-We need to have the logical factor added to our thinking process it means that factor should be clearly stated and have a well-defined calculated output and As mentioned before, we want to start our thinking process with our header that contains our needed information that we will take it as a reference to the whole thinking process plus stating the problem definition in a fully explained statement and it should be specific to a certain scope which means it should be constrained to the main problem statement.
-Your problem must be identified from all the possible directions and always keep expanding your idea scope to expand your choices and criteria. After that you should state the input and the output of the thinking process and start expanding each of them with all factors surrounding and trying to find as many links as possible between the input and the output to help you in your processing steps.
-You should terminate your thinking process with an output, as stated before the function must have a return value it might not be a complete solution, but it can be a reference to your next thinking iteration and if there is no output use your thinking process as a reference. You should put your conditions, criteria and choices you need to trigger to achieve the required output with the correct steps. You can put one condition per each output or multiple conditions for the same output as you are covering more areas or one condition with multiple outputs.
-You are in the control try not to put barriers in your thinking process. You can change your criteria and conditions as you like you can combine them or put as many as you can without having even an output like the idea of brainstorming as much generation as you can then filtering. Here there is an emotional factor when your mind sees you put a base, or you have a lot of data. Your brain feel kind of relaxed and you have hope that the problem can be solved.
-As the Flowchart stated you have to identify your starting point in each thinking process and start spinning around it from all the angles and start having an initial idea that has a property as the numbering property and your conditions will be surrounding this property and state the true and false responses of the condition and have a returned either output or thinking process.
- You must start analyzing the responses of your condition either true, false, error and no action. The true response is your ideal state where the condition will pass successfully, and your steps will be executed, and you reach the final output. The False response is that your condition is not right and that can be very insightful to start thinking by asking your self “How I can make the false right?” or “What can go wrong?” or it can work as a work around solution.
The error means that your initial statement and condition is wrong and that is anticipated when your true and false responses doesn’t give you any output, but you still have your wrong thinking process. The no action is like a dummy condition that does nothing. Sometimes in situations you can state something that has no action that you don’t know the answer to it and after some thinking iterations or a thinking output you can reach to an action.
Now Let’s go to a life example and apply this thinking conditions
But first let me tell you a trick how can you create any life example:
1-?Pick up a place with a normal situation that is done in this place.
2-??Start analyzing the actions and the resources in this place.
3- Start injecting problems to this situation.
Here is a simple life example we can discuss it will get more complicated as we go at the end.
You are entering your favorite café in early morning, and it is empty only you are in the café, so you want to drink your favorite coffee. They tell you your favorite coffee is not available, so you have to make an action either you choose your second favorite coffee, or you can go to another near café that makes your favorite coffee taking into consideration you still have time to switch places as you are in the early morning. but you decide to stay in this café.
At this time while you are talking, someone comes and sit in your favorite place, so you become angrier. You can do two things either speak to the guy with respect and tell him you were sitting here, or you switch to another place or before you come to the place you make a reservation for your favorite table. If you think in a false response, you can give money to the café worker and tell him to go and tell the guy that you reserved this place before coming, but this is a false response.
You might need a place to charge your mobile and laptop as you are going to work the whole day but if the place doesn’t have an electric plug, you make sure that your reserved table has all the fully needed requirements for you to achieve your output which is working the whole day or you can fully charge your laptop at home and make a deal with guy sitting on the table with the electric plug that you have a very important work day and you might need to charge the laptop after two hours so if you can switch tables with him or join him to recharge the laptop after the laptop battery loses charge.
Now to another problem which is that you want to work in a calm atmosphere and after 30 minutes a group of friends entered the café, and they start making a lot of high noise so you can ask them to lower their voice, or you can make it more convincing and tell them “Please I have a very critical meeting at work can you please lower your voice”. Here you gave them a strong reason that supports your request. Or you can just put your headphones and play calm music at high volume.?
But what if they resist and tell you that is a public place you should work in your office. Here you need to have a fast reply, so you need to analyze what is their argument which is “It is a Public Place”. Let’s go to the property of the Public Places if it is public, you should respect the place and people. If you want to make noise you go to a private place not a public place. You are causing the people around you to be uncomfortable with your loud voice.?
What if they also rejected? Here you can try another formal technique which is to tell the café manager which will kick them out of the café. But this is a solution. Can’t be their any work around for this problem? You can go to the false response and make a deal with the café manager to serve them two cheesecakes as that is a gift from the café so they will get busy eating and after eating he can tell them it is a compliment gift from you as if you succeeded today, you would have a bonus from your company so you just need them to lower their voice and now everyone could be happy.
Let’s make it more complicated your best friend came and entered the café on coincidence and he sees you and you are in your break and that friend is known for his very loud voice when he starts talking, he makes noise louder than the group of friends. One of the group of friends come and tell you in a funny way “OH You are making too high noise louder than us. This is a public place go to a private one”. You can pass this in a very smart way either you tell him “We are so sorry we will lower our level of noise to matches yours” if you said that you can also make noise or you can say “Sorry for that it is just for 15 minutes and I will get back to work you can make noise for 15 minutes”.
Let’s Analyze some points in the example:
You have to learn from each previous situation you face and try to form expectations as we notice that he should reserved his favorite table with an electric plug at the beginning. He must have his headphones if there is noise. He must have a reply for any argument using a keyword the other side said from the argument and start to make a fast analysis.
Let’s pick a problem statement from the previous example and try to analyze it with our thinking methods:
“OH You are making too high noise louder than us. This is a public place go to a private one”
That is our problem statement our header that contains all the information needed to achieve the our output.
Have noise for 15 minutes until friend leaves, Make the group of friends return back to lowering the voice after getting back to work and to not use my 15 minutes noise as an argument and my main output is a successful working day in the café.
Problem Statement fully analysis:
That the person is so angry from the noise done by me as I already told him to lower the voice and used my previous argument as a supporting point and was said in a funny way to not be taken in a serious way.
So, what is our property here? It is a “Reply” so let’s put our conditions based on the property. Here we check all the properties of reply which are aggressive , polite , didn't reply , moderate and smart. Then Checking my surroundings who is affected in my reply which is my friend. Then I start putting conditions based on these factors.
IF(Reply == aggressive).
{Losing my credibility
They will make noise the whole day
Making my friend embarrassed}
IF (Reply == Polite)
{They will get embarrassed and respect me the whole day
They might feel that I am weak, and they might cause trouble the rest of the day}
IF( Didn’t reply)
He will think he have a point and will make noise
My friend might reply and cause more trouble and he doesn’t understand}
IF (Reply == Moderate)
{No action will be taken, and it will be passed as a normal talk.
He will continue to make noise as I didn’t give him a stopping point }
IF (Reply == Smart + Moderate + Polite)
{I will give him a smart answer with a smart argument that will make me achieve my 3 outputs Have noise for 15 minutes until friend leaves, Make the group of friends return back to lowering the voice after getting back to work and to not use my 15 minutes noise as an argument and my main output is a successful working day in the café.}
My Reply:
“Sorry for that it is just for 15 minutes, and I will get back to work, you can make noise for 15 minutes and return everything as we agreed in the beginning”}
Full Example Analysis:
The right condition that gives the most suitable answer is a reply that is Smart + Moderate + Polite as all my 3 outputs are achieved. There can be a lot of ways of thinking in this example you can add or remove whatever you want. I wanted just to make something clear about how we can apply programming thinking to life thinking.
So that was the key takeaways with some tips and tricks , simple life example with analysis.