Thinking and the impacts a poor diet has on it
Joseph Foreman
The Movement Guy. Personal trainer l Nutrition Coach l Diabetes & obesity prevention hobbyist
When it comes to thinking, how well do you think?
I see daily one particular problem when it comes to exercise, the lack of thinking or planning. I began to wonder why this might be and came swiftly to this overriding conclusion that what you eat impacts far more deeply how we think and approach every task whether it be in the office, the football pitch , with your kids at choir recital or just at home doing some home DIY!
How you eat, or rather what you eat and the methods of cooking and meal preparation used when getting ready to eat will have lasting issues that can range from a basic lack of energy to the far more insidious health complications that can be heart related and affect other areas of the body's systems like T2D (Diabetes type 2).
Probing further, part of the issue I believe that people make poor food choices is because of 4 key nutrients missing in the diet and you'll be surprised as to why this happens and why.
Missing nutrients that can be called or named as neurotransmitters such as potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium are needed for brain function and are also as seems to be the case deficient in the UK, western and wider population in many nations.
When we are low on potassium more than the rest is the most essential as this is the major of the 4 to my knowledge of transmitters that impact on our thinking and how our brains react to every thought we engage in with.
As you can see we need to think very well about the foods you eat and not run after bad food choices as this can lead us to making bad habits in other areas of our lives due to lack of mineral content and other essential nutrients.
Please post your thoughts if this resonates with you.