Thinking has no limit, just think BIG
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
Hiring talent for IT Sector: Java Spring Boot Microservices Developer, Pega CDH Decisioning Architect, Adobe Campaign Manager
I was reading an article recently ( website from Mike Basevic, No Limits, Mastering the Mental Edge “Focus your thoughts on what you want in every area of your life...the more you think and focus on something, the more you will bring energy to it and make it happen.”
“There are no limits to what you can do. You are only limited by your thoughts.” “You don't have to know how you are going to accomplish your goals, you just have to know that you will.” “The vision is only limited until you decide what you deserve & staple it to your eyeballs.” I was so impressed reading this part and it got me into a deep thinking process that thinking has no limit in real sense! Come to think of it, the limitations only exist if you impose them upon yourself within your mind. Many limit themselves on what they can accomplish in life because they are not aware. May these quotes inspire your to set no limits on your life and go after your dreams. “Your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind!”― Napoleon Hill
When you observe the performance of many people often finish as 'under achievers' only because of they believed in the 'opinions of others'. The opinions given by others are nothing more than 'self limiting beliefs' that will stop you from achieving your success. When someone tells you to follow your dreams, they don't realise that your dreams, if followed, will impact other people. They assume that since your dreams probably won't affect them personally, your dreams won't affect anyone. Of course, they're not consciously ignoring this part but it is going to limit your thinking processes.
When you allow yourself to have bigger dreams, you feel more professional. If you just think you are too small to do big things, you will never do the bigger things. If you think big, you will have bigger goals and do bigger things - quicker. You will feel more confident! David J. Schwartz in his book "The Magic of Thinking Big" writes “Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it."
Thinking big also means taking a radically different approach and risks when necessary, always questioning traditional methods and assumptions in pursuit of the best idea. Creating a gutsy mission that employees can be inspired by and get behind. Providing direction for how to get there and explaining how everything fits into the long-term plan.Continually communicating the bigger picture and guide your mission to the team in a manner that gets employees excited. Actively exploring new ideas from team members, encouraging risk taking when appropriate.
Thinking big has a few requirements in changing in your thinking process. First of all we must start to see problems as challenges as well as opportunities. Be positive about things which can be done and not the things we can't do. We need to plan what is feasible and also not to worry too much what is not workable by the team. The team needs to be fearless about the end result and think out of box to work out strategies which were not even thought about before. The boss of the team needs to have that vision first that this team is able to achieve something phenomenal and bigger than any body ever thought about. The leader has to visualise success as winning the trophy already in his dreams
My personal success story is a proof that a government supply project which our company wanted to bid for was never done in our company before and everybody including the CEO was sceptical about our capability of handling such a big project in 6 months. When I presented that project idea before the Management Committee all of them were of the opinion what we were not equipped to handle such huge volume and hence was not feasible, when the CEO asked me do you think this can be done and when I said yes Sir, he made me the Project Lead and told me to bid for the contract and select the team members I wanted from each department, we did it and formed a cross functional team of 70 people across the country including factory, warehouses,logistics and other departments, we thought big and management supported us to succeed in completing this project within the given time limit.No wonder then that after completion of this project I took the whole team for a holiday in " Taj, Fort Aguada" Goa including those people who never flew by air or stayed in 5 star hotels before in their lives. Therefore guys, think Big and achieve bigger! stay blessed #kishoreshintre
Back Office
4 年Great post
Marketing & Sales Consultant | Market Research | Trade Promotion | Consumer Engagement | Industrial Garment Manufacturer
4 年Sometimes, what a person need is just one who will say, "look, this is how." At that point, the blind eye ??? see that what looked insurmountable previously is suddenly viewed as achievable. I had that experience as a youngster wondering how to pay my way through high institution. Once I saw it was possible, the rest became a matter of time. Thank you for sharing KISHORE SHINTRE With Positive Vibrations??
Hiring talent for IT Sector: Java Spring Boot Microservices Developer, Pega CDH Decisioning Architect, Adobe Campaign Manager
4 年Thank you Dear friend Raj, that’s why I have given my own example as a success story, hope you read it, stay blessed
Consultant (Science & Education) (Self-employed)
4 年When you think big, you dream big. It is very linear but life throws a spanner in the works. Thinking big is good but one should recognize that there are many variables that operate in tandem. To manage them with wisdom, and reasoning becomes the prime task of the goal seeker. Realistically, the big thinker will be gutted if he/she is a linear thinker. Thanks for this discussion Mr. Kishore Shintre.
Lecturer in Department of Pharmacy,University of Malakand,Lower Dir,Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,Pakistan
4 年Excellent