Thinking With God - There Is One Who Is Perfect

Thinking With God - There Is One Who Is Perfect

There is only one way to earn eternal life, and that’s by being perfectly righteous. The problem is that our best deeds on our best day could never save us. We all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.

"The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him when he transgresses…” - Ezekiel 33:12b

Just one sin counts us guilty before a Holy God. Thankfully, there is One who never sinned. He lived a perfectly righteous life before God and man. He then offered Himself up on a cross as the perfect sacrifice for our filthy sins. He paid for our sins, then died, was buried, and rose on the third day. He’s coming back to get those who are His. Let’s praise our perfect Jesus and live for Him today!

I love you all, give your best to Christ today!?

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