Thinking and Emotions Are the Most Important in Personal Life,Success,Performance,Health, Leadership, Management,  Business, Organisational, Economics

Thinking and Emotions Are the Most Important in Personal Life,Success,Performance,Health, Leadership, Management, Business, Organisational, Economics

If you look at it seriously, there is something seriously wrong with how our world is designed especially our formal education. They teach and train everything else to everyone and leave out the most important subjects includng

  1. Lifeology, living and life management-Understanding what is life, why we exist, how to live responsibly and to the fullest and how many life and the challenges and opportunities that it brings along.
  2. Selfology and Self-management: The study of the self is important but many people including very senior people in positions do not know themselves that well. The level of self-knowledge in society all over the world is pathetic. I have tested this over and over when I do leadership and management training, in workshops and seminars and when I facilitate team building and strategic planning sessions. This is big tragedy because many people reach their end of lives without any chance of having a deeper self-knowledge which enhances personal life. People way more about other things and other people than they know themselves. It's crazy and unfair and even criminal!
  3. Thinking Management and Mastering and Harnessing Thinking PowerFor a strange reason, academic knowledge and skills have taken superior position in attention ahead of thinking even in our formal education school. The situation is worse in the corporate world and general society. The overwhelming majority of people never invest in knowing much about thinking, how they think, how to use their brain better and how to improve their thinking. Few people are aware that knowledge was meant to improve our thinking and not to substitute thinking. They do now know that they can achieve more by better utilising their thinking abilities and by better management of thinking. This is more so given that most of our thinking happens automatically and 90% of this thinking takes place below our conscious awareness, leading to many thinking mistakes and errors that cannot be addressed by academic knowledge. The human brain engages in a lot of irrational thinking that even the most educated cannot overcome without learning how thinking takes place and without conscious editing of the unconscious automatic thinking processes. There are also more than different types of thinking and having knowledge of these and practising them will dramatically improve the performance and results your brain will produce.
  4. Emotions and how to manage them properly and how to use them effectivelyEmotions are at the centre of everything a human being does. Emotions are involved in thinking. Emotions are involved in problem-solving. Emotions are involved in successThey are involved in effective leadershipThey are involved in mental health and wellbeingYet many people including decision-makers and business and organisational leaders still do not take the subject seriously. I doubt if there are many universities that are teaching psychology for everyday use including emotions and their impacts, management and use. I am sure why humans see it more valuable to teach arithmetic and the arts and not even the basics on emotions, how they occur, how to manage them and how to utilise them for success. Many people are suffering from emotion-linked and emotion related mental and physical illnesses that could be avoided or better managed with improved understanding and management of emotions.
  5. Relationships-How to develop positive relationships with others
  6. Living a successful and meaningful lifeNo life manual comes together with people at birth. Except for the Bible or other religious guides, there is nowhere in the formal curricula where a teacher is teaching on life and how to live a meaningful life. Just look at the number of people who have a lot of material and financial success who are still struggling in many other areas of life and who are into drugs or other vices because they have failed to find the fulfilllment they believed money and financial success would bring.
  7. Marriageology-Understanding marriage and how to have a successful and fulfilling marriage including how to select a marriage partner. Including how to be a good husband or wife. Look ate the statics of broken marriages. I will say nothing more on this.
  8. Fatherhood studies: How to be great father to your children. You want to ask me whether grown-up men must be taught this? Yes of course! How many children are growing in misery when their fathers exist?
  9. Motherhood studies: How to be a great mother to your children
  10. Leadership-How to lead in society and lead well and not cruelly or brutally. Bad leadership is a major problem in today's society. It is very difficult to start trying to teach good leadership to adults who are already in positions of leadership. Most become arrogant and convince themselves that the fact that they are in leadership positions is a validation of their exceptional abilities to lead.

Emotional Intelligence and Emotions and Thinking

Even the compelling argument given by Daniel Goleman and others on the importance of "emotional intelligence" the acceptance of the subject as a major subject that needs serious attention has not done enough to direct people's attention to thinking and emotions. This has been worsened by people who have taken to teach emotional intelligence but have concentrated on basic awareness education without getting into the serious work in the practical application as well as in actually increasing people's emotional intelligence. More important, there are even less people who understand thinking and emotions and their dynamics well enough to help people with practical tools, solutions and strategies for managing and using emotions and of improving thinking and the use of the thinking powers humans possess.

Few people also have focused on applied emotional intelligence and the use of emotions and teaching in different areas of life.

How seriously do you take thinking and emotions in your own personal life and in your company, organisation and economy?

Would you want training and education in thinking, emotional intelligence and emotions and their impacts in different areas of life, companies, organisations and businesses?

[email protected] ?+263-77-444-74-38

??Simon Bere, 2023


