Thinking Big About Big Data In Insurance
Chunka Mui
Futurist and Innovation Advisor @ Future Histories Group | Keynote Speaker and Award-winning Author
Big Data, especially powered by with other disruptive developments like driverless cars, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence (AI), are among six technologies that will make or break both existing players and new entrants in insurance.
Tom Warden has been leading research and innovation in insurance for 25-plus years, most recently as the Chief Data Officer at AIG Life and Retirement. Previously, he was vice president of research at Allstate Insurance and head of the Allstate Research and Planning Center. I had the opportunity to interview him on Big Data in the insurance industry, and how insurers should be thinking big, starting small and learning fast when it comes to Big Data.
Thinking Big
Chunka Mui: Let’s set some context. How are you thinking about Big Data as applied to insurance?
Tom Warden: Big Data is an ecosystem consisting of expanding types of data, manipulated by massive computing and analyzed by widening number of data science and AI methods. I am most excited by the prospect of leveraging Big Data to create new products and new markets, and to radically change how customers perceive insurance. Big Data provides the means to transform today’s insurance business models.
Mui: Help us understand the big picture. How do you see Big Data transforming insurance? Assume that we can start with a clean sheet of paper.
Warden: Insurance today consists of passive products. Insurers talk about being their customers’ partners, but they really are not. Big Data from cars, homes, businesses and government could enable insurers to better analyze risk and anticipate loss events before they happen.
Insurers can learn what puts each driver most at risk—and incent him to change his behavior to avoid accidents. They could automatically trigger mitigating actions to prevent small incidents in homes, like leaky or frozen pipes, from turning into catastrophes. They could use streaming data from commercial plants and equipment performance to anticipate and prevent major incidents. Thinking broader, insurers can help multi-national companies manage the huge number of risks they insure against in a more comprehensive and efficient manner.
By preventing bad things from happening to their customers rather just restoring things afterward, insurers could provide products that customers will want to buy, not just have to buy.
Mui: This is a great opportunity for insurers. Does it also pose a threat to the industry, because others could better leverage this potential?
Warden: Insurance has operated like a closed shop. Insurers collect and hold data about those insured and their losses. Actuaries are like guild craftsman trained to work on that data.
In the new world, many other players can collect and control the most important data: car manufacturers, smart phone providers, Internet companies and telecoms, industrial equipment manufacturers, to name a few. Insurance companies risk having one of the most profitable parts of their value chain attacked by those who control data flows that enhance understanding of risk and losses.
Starting Small
Mui: You have been working in this area for several years. What is the best way to get started?
Warden: First, companies need to recognize that Job 1 is leveraging data to optimize the profit machines they already have. Best practice today is to embed more predictive modeling in all parts of the value chain. You don’t necessarily need Big Data to do that. You need smart people, a disciplined approach and a culture of cooperation to monetize data-driven insights.
Second, they need to focus on the transformational aspects of big data. Pull together some of the company’s best and brightest from across all functions. Give them just enough resources to create more than ideas. Separate them from their day-to-day work. Give them deadlines to provide discipline. Oh, and don’t forget to include some millennials! Have the team start with what your customers value today and challenge them to add what Big Data enables.
On both thrusts, they also need to learn from early-adopters’ mistakes.
Mui: What are some of those mistakes?
Warden: Innovating in a vacuum is the biggest mistake. Too often, data scientists are clueless about how the business makes money. Make sure people from the relevant business functions are part of the team from the beginning. Everyone needs to be broadminded, creative and collaborative.
Allowing one or two senior voices to kill things too early is another big mistake. The whole point of the process is to go far beyond the status quo. In general, senior leaders struggle with suspending their disbelief long enough to give radical concepts a fair trial.
A third mistake is not placing enough importance on properly managing data through its lifecycle to assure its validity. The principle of Garbage In Garbage Out still holds for Big Data.
Mui: How do you keep expectations aligned in such a high profile area? How do you get everyone on the same page?
Warden: Most employees at insurance companies are focused on optimizing the present while few are assigned to creating the future. Leadership’s job is to create a vision of the future that demonstrates to all employees that they play a part in today and tomorrow’s success. They should be rooting for each other, not against. Continually talking about this vision, the progress being made to realize it and adjusting as new things are learned should keep everyone on the bus.
Learning Fast
Mui: A demo is worth a thousand pages of a business plan. What are the most dramatic demonstrations of the potential of Big Data in insurance?
Warden: Usage-based insurance pricing is the most dramatic example of the power of Big Data in insurance. Not only is the amount of data massive, there are great opportunities to contextualize the driving data with external information: weather, road congestion and more. This leads to smarter risk assessment and smarter pricing. Add data about the driver’s interests, to-do lists, etc. into the mix, make everything live and adaptive and voila: you’ve created smart driving from the customer’s perspective.
Identifying fraud in claims and amongst internal parties like underwriters and sales people is another place where Big Data is a powerful weapon. Fraud is generally perpetrated by smart and cunning people. Staying a step ahead of them requires sifting through massive amounts of seemingly unrelated data to find and validate intricate patterns.
Risk management is another high potential area. Finding, analyzing and simulating wide varieties of factors (weather patterns, societal trends, mortality trends and their causes to name a few) to increase understanding about what the net effect is on a company’s book requires very advanced data skills and powerful computing environments.
Mui: Many companies have been exploring Big Data for several years now, at least. What are the tough questions that Boards and senior executives should be asking about Big Data at this point?
Warden: Big Data is not “magic,” but it is a powerful weapon when pointed at the right target. Insurers need to align the right weapon with the right target. Predicting events on the fly from continuous streams of granular data is a Big Data problem. Predicting when a customer may be on the verge of canceling a policy may not be. Insurance by and large is not a “high-frequency” business when compared to say, credit cards. Leaders need to make sure they are not funding the shooting of rabbits with howitzers—or elephants with peashooters.
Do you have other questions for Tom Warden? Ask him in the comments below.
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Chunka Mui is a business advisor and author of three books on strategy and innovation including, most recently, The New Killer Apps: How Large Companies Can Out-Innovate Start-Ups. This article was originally published at Forbes.
Sailing the Pacific Ocean in Search of Adventure
9 年Great interview. I particularly liked the comment regarding the need to fully manage data through its lifecycle to assure its validity--i.e. The "Garbage In Garbage Out" principle. Many shops struggle to manage the firehouse of big data and ascertain its veracity. The key is to solve as much of the data validity question on the front-end as possible to provide confidence in the data value chain. Fortunately, there are some techniques (e.g. using multiple big data sources and machine learning) and emerging solutions to help address this challenge. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
When it comes to miles-based-insurance versus time-based-contracts there is tangible fear of massive disruption in the pooling schema since millions of retirees each year are paying full price on a time basis but would plummet to 15-30% of prior premiums in a miles-based program. The opportunity is wide open for an MGA , carrier, or AARP even, to create a national miles-based (usage based too) program of insurance.
Applied Science at Uber, Chairperson of the CAS Board of Directors
9 年Chunka - Nice piece. I would follow up the usage-based insurance response with a few related questions / comments: 1. Outside of Metromile, we do not have any true usage-based insurance products in the U.S. Progressive and Allstate have been collecting driving data for decades. Yet, OCTO Telematics, which has been around for a much shorter period, has around 1000x the data. Indeed, technical innovations in insurance are much more prevalent abroad. Is there an opportunity to improve that we're missing here? (Perhaps this is more of an NAIC question.) 2. Regarding a driver's interested and to-do lists, how should insurers approach the privacy and or ownership rights of the consumer's data?
Tom, this was a really interesting article. One thing occurred to me--do you think the "Internet of Things" will eventually form the gathering point for raw data, and if so, do you think some consumer/privacy protection should be put in place to ensure, you know, privacy?
CEO at FirstEigen (Autonomous Data Validation w/Machine Learning)
9 年Chunka- thank you for a good interview! Tom- Insightful and stimulating article... Thanks. Could you shed more light on the seriousness of this problem you mention? "A third mistake is not placing enough importance on properly managing data through its lifecycle to assure its validity. The principle of Garbage In Garbage Out still holds for Big Data." I agree with the overall importance of managing data. Questions: 1. At what error rate in data (PPM (parts per million)? PPB?) will it start to become a bother for IoT? 2. Is it possible that if errors occur at a low level analytics can smooth its effect out? 3. If analytics can smooth it out does one still have to worry about it? 4. Or do you feel catastrophic events happen close enough to anomalous behavior that even errors at ppm-levels have to be paid attention to? 5. What is the biggest obstacle for ensuring accuracy of Big-Data now? Thank you.