Thinking beyond our shores
So you launch your business idea and it is picking up momentum but after a few months you realise that you have plateaued and of course you automatically go into panic mode. You wonder if you are doing enough and if you can sustain your business. The usual feelings of anxiety and worry start to take over and then you pause, because you realise that maybe just maybe your vision is too small. Do not fear this happens to a lot of entrepreneurs!
We are taught to believe that we need to think small. That when we launch we have to launch small and capture a small audience first. That we have to nurture them for a long time before we branch off into bigger territory but the truth is that once you have done the research and your business is viable there is no reason for you to stay hidden in the shores of your island or country where you reside.
There are millions of people around the world who are waiting to buy from you.
In fact I know some local entrepreneurs who get their greatest sales from overseas clients! This could be you to if only you would broaden your perspective and outlook on who really needs your services. You need a global mindset!
And it really does not matter what industry you are in, service or retail, there more than likely a market regionally and internationally for what you are providing. How would you know? Start by doing some research. Create a survey and send out to all your friends and family living away. Share the survey in groups or on your social media profile. Ask questions about exactly what they may be looking for and tailor your business to suit. Now it may mean that to handle the international shipping and handling of your business may take some work but it definitely is not impossible. Don’t you buy goods made from China and Europe everyday? Don’t you listen to webinars and buy short courses from persons from around the world? So why should you be any different?
For many Caribbean entrepreneurs, this is a big struggle. I understand it, because we have grown up in an era where foreign translates to ‘better’. But as more and more businesses are popping up and more persons are collaborating and seeing the potential for bigger and better things, it is your duty to share your skills, your talents and your vision with the rest of the world. It is more than just about the money. But it is about filling a need and a gap like no one else could. Putting your unique spin on your idea and taking charge of your vision to make it come to life.
It starts with shifting your mindset about the possibilities for your business. Once you believe that you can do it then jump in and do it. Get the research done, tweak your ideal client avatar and then start to engage with and build relationships with persons outside of your shores. Think regionally and internationally. In some cases, this is where your biggest sales may actually come in. And put a spin on it by targeting foreigners who visit our shores who you know need and want your service when they do visit. There are multiple ways for you to make your business successful internationally if only you would allow yourself the chance to actually do it.
Before you start with the excuses of why this would not work for your business, let’s hop on a call so we can chat about exactly how it can actually work for you