Thinking And Being
Are you who you think and say you are or do your actions indicate otherwise? Are your thoughts matched by the things you do, both in private and in public? Most people have a public and a private life. The question is how do these two lives overlap and intertwine in regards to your personal beliefs and values?
There's an old saying that states, "Put your money where your mouth is." In truth, the value found within our life is in the things we say and actions we take, not the money we make. I'd venture to say that a happier, more content person, is one whose actions, thoughts and values most closely match both in public and in private.
People who work diligently at putting their thoughts and actions to work in ways that uplift and create more value in their own life while also doing the same for the lives of others are among the richest people on earth. The riches they have are ones that will never diminish, but continue to grow.
There's a misunderstanding among many about just what it means to have powerful thoughts that lead to powerful and amazing action and results. It's not magic or a fable. It's real and it begins with belief, faith, passion, caring and forgiveness.
Belief in something more important than yourself. Faith that although it may not be evident yet, goodness will prevail. Passion for those things that you have talent for and ability to carry out. Forgiveness towards yourself and others when you or they don't quite get it right.
If this comes off as sounding spiritual, it is. That's your private and personal values speaking to you. If it sounds religious, well that's your public ritual speaking to you, trying to make sense of it all. There's a difference between the two, and as soon as you admit that there is a questioning and strained relationship between who you know you should be and who you're told you should be, the closer you will find yourself to becoming richer in thought and in action.
Think for yourself. Don't let others do it for you. Learn tolerance and affection and be a good example to others in both thought and action. As the title of Napoleon Hill's excellent book states, "Think and Grow Rich".