Thinking ahead; goal setting for the New Year.

It's that time of year again—talk of new starts, new goals, juice cleanses, and gym memberships. However, despite our best efforts, sticking to new goals can be challenging.?

If you're looking to set goals that are sustainable throughout the year, our new article series, 'Thinking ahead; goal setting for the new year,' is here to help. We'll be sharing insights (with a little help from FOUNDRY friends and members) to help you create realistic habits, to improve your overall well-being in the coming year.

Research consistently shows that maintaining a healthy work-life balance isn't just beneficial for mental health but also enhances overall productivity, studies suggest that those with a balanced lifestyle are approximately 21% more productive (Shopify 2023). Therefore, learning to create time for work, rest, and play isn't just a luxury, but a necessity. Earlier this year, we spoke to corporate wellness expert, and CEO of Wellbeing International, Kate Pigeon-Owen, who emphasised that "creating a transition from work to home life increases energy and decreases cortisol, the stress hormone." For more wise insights from Kate, check out our Instagram or Kate’s website (linked at the end of the article) where she offers wellness training capsules for businesses.

We understand that our FOUNDRY friends and members lead busy lives, with some freelancing, running small businesses, and caring for families and therefore,? striking the right balance between all these important parts of your life can seem impossible. Here are our thoughts to set sustainable goals:

Be Intentional about Breaks:

Book breaks in advance. Make time for yourself in the day and stick to it. Taking time for yourself doesn't always have to involve staring out the window with a cup of tea (although it might for you). It could be putting on a load of washing, getting some exercise in, or spending time in nature away from tech. Whether it's five minutes or 50, prioritize it.

Be Active, Not Reactive:

Plan ahead as much as possible. Anticipate your day and take control where you can, there are only so many hours in a day but planning ahead helps to make the most of them.? Perhaps at the beginning of the week review your week ahead, split your known tasks into ‘quick tasks’, ‘medium tasks’ and ‘projects’. Then break these down day by day and incorporate any meetings or other commitments. This calendar formatted list will help you to better understand where your gaps are and when you might expect to feel a bit more pushed for time. Then when unexpected things pop up (as they inevitably will), you can go back to the breakdown and review and amend it accordingly.? It’s not possible to account for every eventuality so have grace for yourself.?

Break the Day Down:

Instead of looking at the day as a whole, break it down into manageable chunks. This can make tasks feel more achievable and less overwhelming. If it seems impossible to know what your week might entail on a Monday, simplify and adopt the weekly planning approach but at the beginning of each new day, splitting out tasks and meetings. Starting with one ‘quick task’ as a warm up helps you get into the flow of working and provides a sense of achievement as you get stuff done so early in the day. When splitting the day, remember to include time for intentional breaks, even if it is just 5 minutes.

Seek Support:

With so much on your plate, finding balance may seem impossible. Remember, you don't have to do it all on your own. Be bold and reach out to friends, family, or work colleagues. It's okay to ask for help; we all need it sometimes.?

We hope that this article has given you some food for thought and that some of these simple habits feel accessible. Give them a go, by incorporating these intentional practices, you can foster a healthier work-life balance and set the foundation for a more productive and fulfilling life. Stay tuned for more tips to achieve your goals next year! Are there any other goals you are keen to set in 2024?

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