Thinking Ahead is so much more positive than Thinking Backward. You have heard me reference by book 5 AT A TIME which is a leadership self help guide to planning Life and career 5-years at a time (going forward). You have also heard me talk about the 18 Holes of Life--planning life and career 5 years at a time between age 1 and 90. I used a quote last week from Hoda Kotb's book "you can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one". I have decided that is so true after reflecting over the weekend. When you look back at "what if I had done this, what if I had done that, gee I wish I had gone left instead of right", it just stirs up a lot of trouble in your brain and uses lots negative energy. Therefore, as I am about to start Hole of Life #16, I have decide to spend all my time Thinking Ahead or Forward--after all that is what your Personal MOONSHOT is all about. As in golf and life, you can't play the holes over, you can only Play Forward!