Thinkers360 Weekly Digest (09/11/23)
The World's Top Experts. On Demand. Premier B2B Expert Network, Analyst & Influencer Marketplace. 100M+ followers)
Connecting Global Brands with the World's Premier Thought Leaders, Analysts & Influencers for Game-Changing Results
Here's the top content picked by our team and contributed by our member thought leaders. We invite you to contribute and share your own personally-authored content?here ...
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50 Thought Leading Companies on Cybersecurity 2023 | Leaderboard
Here’s the Thinkers360 annual leaderboard for the 50 Thought Leading Companies on Cybersecurity for 2023. Congratulations to all organizations, thought leaders and experts who participated!
Want to be on this list or know others who should be on this live and annual leaderboard? Help us grow the Thinkers360 community by participating ?(free) and sharing your own content and experience today! We amplify your content for?free!
Thinkers360 ?| September 10, 2023 | Article/Blog |?Estefania Vergara
Here’s the Thinkers360 annual leaderboard for our top 50 global thought leaders and influencers on Mental Health in 2023.?Congratulations?to all our thought leaders and experts who participated!
Want to be on this list or know others who should be on this live and annual leaderboard? Help us grow the Thinkers360 community by participating ?(free) and sharing your own content and experience today! We amplify your content for?free!
Thinkers360 ?| September 10, 2023 | Article/Blog |?Yessenia Sembergman
Tip of the Week: Get ready for our new Top Voices recognition!
Our Top Voices recognition and digital badges will be awarded for contributions to the Thinkers360 community throughout the year in terms of activity on the platform, contributions of original thought leadership content, and overall value to the community.
Stay tuned for our Top Voices 2023 recognition coming soon! In the meantime, check out, download and display your Thinkers360 digital badges and associated credential pages by logging into Thinkers360 and visiting your Awards & Badges page!
How Your Brand Can Support Your SEO Efforts | Member Blog
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a hugely important part of any business’s marketing efforts, and when you get it right, you’ll find that you can establish a strong brand presence as well as find new customers to buy from you...
Thinkers360 ?|?September 08, 2023?|?Adam Torkildson
Let's get straight to the point. The world of work is changing faster than you can say "burnout," and the buzzwords are flying left and right—Grit! Growth Mindset! Unlearning! But what's the connective tissue... ?|?September 08, 2023?|?Article/Blog?|?Ira Wolfe
As a small business owner, public speaking may be one of those daunting challenges that makes your heart race and palms sweat. But fear not! Bev Hepting | The Message Maestro is here to share some invaluable insights with you...
Thinkers360 ?|?September 06, 2023?|?Bev Hepting
If you read the news, use social media or talk to anyone here in Australia, you’ve probably heard about ChatGPT. It’s no surprise. ChatGPT had one million users within a week of its launch in November 2022... ?|?September 08, 2023?|?Article/Blog?|?Jane Anderson CSP
Redefining Success: How Value Creation Teams Will Usher in the End of Traditional Account Teams | Member Blog
Value Creation Teams are poised to replace traditional account teams in the near future. In this era of customer-centric economy, startups must adopt a value-driven mindset and engage in strategies that prioritise value creation to not only survive...
Thinkers360 ?|?September 04, 2023?|?suneel dhingra
How Self Service Can Save Your Team From Burnout | Procurement
Too many Procurement professionals are overwhelmed by workload. In today's fast-paced business environment, professionals find themselves walking a tightrope - the Procurement Paradox - where the demands... ?|?September 08, 2023?|?Author Newsletter?|?Rich Sains
How To Create A Culture That Encourages Employee Advancement | Business Strategy
Why do good employees leave good employers? There are a host of reasons, but one of the most compelling is a lack of advancement potential. It’s hard to want to plant roots when you know that your growth will be limited... ?|?September 07, 2023?|?Article/Blog?|?Rhett Power
Credibility is the quality of being trusted and believed in. It is essential for success in many areas of life, including business, relationships, and personal development. However, it can be easy to lose credibility... ?|?September 07, 2023?|?Author Newsletter?|?Mitchell Levy
Effective Two-Way Nonjudgmental Communication | Business Strategy
A common theme for most organizations is the lack of efficient and effective two-way horizontal and vertical communication. The nature of our conversations should be appreciative, achieved by using an inquiry-based... ?|?September 07, 2023?|?Article/Blog?|?Joe Sprangel
How to Avoid Ruining Your Best Team Player | Entrepreneurship
Many years ago, a good friend took me out to a glitzy afternoon tea. We were left with one last eclair between us. She asked me why I hadn’t just taken it. Outraged, I said I would never be so selfish... ?|?September 07, 2023?|?Article/Blog?|?Jan Cavelle
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Inc 5000 CEOs Leading the Future with Executive Gravitas | Exec Coach: Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches | Top 16 Leadership Voice | 2x TEDx Speaker | Intl Bestseller 65 Books | x-Public Board Member
1 年Thank you Thinkers360 for sharing this article on Regaining Your Credibility After Making a Mistake
Author, Speaker - passionate supporter of entrepreneurship
1 年How lovely - thank you so much Thinkers360
Terrified and fascinated by VUCA-level change | AQ Authority | Millennial in a Baby Boomer Body | Hall of Fame Speaker | Future of Work Global Thought Leader | Helping ordinary people thrive in extraordinary times |
1 年Once again, I'm humbled and honored to be part of this amazing Thinkers360 community Thank you for including me and sharing my articles. This week's focus on becoming a "dopa-manager" has already received a lot of attention.
LinkedIn? Editorial Top Voice 2024 | Strategy Trainer & Facilitator @ Emmanuel Strategic Sustainability | DBA
1 年Thank you, Thinkers360, for recognizing me in this manner. I am humbled to be included in this list of other individuals with compelling ideas and insight. Thought leadership can be a lonely place where we receive limited feedback on whether our work is resonating with our audiences. When we do it encourages us to continue sharing our perspective on what drives us!!