??? The Thinker Thinks, The Prover Proves
Douglas Squirrel
Make tech insanely profitable with new provocative ideas every Monday in my Insanely Profitable Tech newsletter (see Squirrel Squadron in Contact Info)
This is an extract from the latest edition of the Insanely Profitable Tech newsletter - my weekly firecracker to the Squirrel Squadron packed with provocative thoughts and tips. To get the full version - it’s all free! - just sign up here: https://squirrelsquadron.com/?
At a certain impressionable and rebellious age, I read several whacked-out books by the subversive, hallucinogenic Discordian Robert Anton Wilson. Thankfully, I managed to discard the unhinged conspiracy theories, LSD evangelism, and pseudoscientific nonsense (much of which Bob didn’t even believe himself!), but there’s one insight from Prometheus Rising that’s been incredibly useful in my career and my coaching.?
Wilson postulated that human brains have two subsystems: the Thinker, who thinks up clever ideas and principles, and the Prover, whose job is to find evidence to support the Thinker’s thoughts. The crucial insight is that the Thinker goes first: although we may believe we reason deductively, in fact people typically start with conclusions and then find facts to fit them. This is why it’s so perversely useless to “induce” your boss or your tech team to try something new and better by listing the logical reasons to change; as Jeffrey and I argued in Agile Conversations, you have to reach the Thinker first by building trust and reducing fear
Wilson’s apt phrase came to mind recently as I was helping a CTO learn how to pitch his product to customers
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