Think You're Good at Emotional Intelligence? Find Out in 2 Minutes!

Think You're Good at Emotional Intelligence? Find Out in 2 Minutes!

Think You're Good at Understanding Emotions? Check in Just 2 Minutes!

A study done by TalentSmart on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) found two important things:

1- EQ matters for 58% of success in all kinds of jobs, showing how crucial it is in different careers.

2- 90% of the best workers have high EQ, showing a strong link between emotional smarts and doing well professionally.

??Your EQ really affects how your career grows.

See where you stand by answering these simple yes/no questions.

1- Do you often think about how you feel at work? Yes/No

2- Do you know what you're good at and where you need to improve at work? Yes/No

3- Can you handle your emotions when work gets stressful? Yes/No

4- Do you pause before reacting to negative comments at work? Yes/No

5- Do you keep going for your goals even after facing setbacks? Yes/No

6- Do you stay positive and take action when work gets tough? Yes/No

7- Do you try to see things from your coworkers' views during conflicts? Yes/No

8- Do you notice and care about how your team feels and what they need? Yes/No

9- Do you find it easy to connect with new people at work or with clients? Yes/No

10- Can you handle and solve problems when there are arguments at work? Yes/No

Mostly 'Yes'? You're strong in EQ. 'No' answers? There's room to grow.

Look out for my next post on ways to improve your EQ for your career!

Tell me your score in the comments. Remember, being okay with where you're at is a sign of high EQ.

Feel free to share this post if you think it can help others.



