“Think World Class” Chapter 19 Always Keep a Diamond in Your Mind
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Let me ask you two questions:
“What is your state of mind right now?”
“What state of mind is most difficult for you to maintain?”
Feel the feelings you feel ~ it’s really is ok ~ no-one’s looking. Why is it that we feel compelled to deny or hide our feelings? Instead we choose to hide or mask them with a false bravado of manufactured confidence. Too often we become prisoners of our own deceptions and perceptions.
Consider this, if we choose to look at our world without judgment and comparison, there can never be any threat. Elect to liberate your life; live fearlessly; leave your debilitating perceptions behind and see things just as they are.
Without judgment life has a natural, peaceful rhythm, moving in ebbs and flowing with continuity. It isn’t until we start assessing value, adding rights and wrongs, tallying things based on our perception that we step out of harmony with our lives. When we start to mold and try to make situations fit our values or conversely, condemn them because they do not agree with our limiting beliefs; this is the time when we find ourselves in conflict. Affirm, who you are, see your truth without suffering or confusion. Imagine a journey without distance to a place where you laugh freely and love unconditionally, a place without defensive walls or shame. Where our natural magnificence shines with clarity and the brilliance of a diamond. Although it sounds like a contradiction, the truth is that when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable is when we find REAL strength of character and personal fortitude.