Think why video could not kill the radio stars.
The song 'Video kill the radio star' by Buggles was released in 1979 and we still love the song. But interestingly enough after 42 years after that we still have some radio stars and radio stations are still alive. Well, not as vibe as before but come on, 42 years from the song was released? There's gotta be a good reason for that.
And 5 years ago in Amazon Day1 building in Seattle they opened Amazon Go store offline. Well, there were no attendance but still online store giant opened their 1st offline store and now they have 29 outlets operating. This seems like shows us that offline stores would still stand forward even as online stores prevail.
Now let me tell you why I think all these are happening. Well, all of these do not sound right or make sense. Trends had been moving from radio to video and from offline to online and why they had refused to change or even had moved backwards? That did not happen due to rational thinking but emotional touch which counted more for human kinds' decision making process.
Even though video includes voice data and provide same music sound and everything TV could not deliver what radio DJs could tell you as intimately as they can with soft voices. As such, online stores provides all the rational information with better price and everything seemingly needed for consumers to decide to buy things they still could not provide the experience consumers could get when they buy things the 5 senses experience of shopping.
People say so-called 'Metaverse' would change almost everything that we do nowadays which I partly agree. However, I still do believe the real world would still mean whole lot more than the 'fake universe' in the end until some point or something. I think this was somewhat depicted in the book 'Brave new world' by Aldous Huxley and even as we get ourselves prepared for coming future changes we still need to think about this oldies but goodies thinking.