Think Truth Regardless of Appearances
Rob Wilson
Creator of AMiLIKE?/Publisher of “The Mirror’s Puppet”/CEO Dalcenori Enterprises
To those unknowing, the picture above depicts something harmless. Cute, even.
In actuality, though, the Pufferfish is one of the most poisonous animals on the planet! We would need to "think truth regardless of appearances" in dealing with them.
That saying, "Think Truth Regardless of Appearances," is the underlying theme in our book, "The Mirror's Puppet." Released back in August as a 6-book series on Amazon, we have since compiled the book into one complete novel, a Box Set, and provided a supplemental guidebook to success.
Both the novel and Box Set were released today. The Guidebook to Success has been on the market since November.
So where are we going with all this?
In today's world with all the "fake news" talk it leaves one in a constant state of wondering, "Who or what can I believe?"
We think the phrase, "Think Truth Regardless of Appearances," cuts through all the smoke and mirrors to deliver a clear view. We were introduced to the phrase by Rod in "The Mirror's Puppet." He got it from the book "The Science of Getting Rich," by Wallace Wattles. We agree with Rod that the phrase is one we all should commit to memory and fully apply to our lives. In fact, we believe in it so much, we're giving away 20 of those books! That's right, we want others to be able to take in this masterpiece and learn what it means to Think Truth Regardless of Appearances.
For direct insight from Rod on the phrase, here's his take:
“Think truth regardless of appearances,” comes from Wallace D. Wattles, “The Science of Getting Rich.” (the next two paragraphs are from p. 21 of this book. Expound on this…)
Every man has the natural and inherent power to think what he wants to think, but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the thoughts suggested by appearance. To think according to appearance is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious, and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work man is called upon to perform.
There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world. This is especially true when truth is contrary to appearances. Every appearance in the visible world tends to produce a corresponding form in the mind which observes it; and this can only be prevented by holding the thought of TRUTH.
I can testify to the above two paragraphs being true. Thinking truth regardless of appearance was a running theme throughout my ordeal. It was that truth which kept being peeled away until the true core was in plain sight. To this day, not all truth has come forward, but, the Hidden Agendas finally exposed, shined a light on the fact that the “powers-that-be” wanted people to focus away from the truth. In other words, focus on the appearance of truth as opposed to the actual truth. Mostly, people found ease of mind in doing so. I could not. Thus, the ensuing battles. But, in the end, thinking truth regardless of appearances is what enabled me to “win.” To succeed, I had to continue defying the difficulty in thinking the truth. Against the resistance of people to do the right thing. Maybe not because they didn’t want to do the right thing, but, because it was easier for them to focus on what appeared to be the truth as opposed to gathering the facts and focusing on them. It is laborious, as I can testify to, but, laborious or not, it is what is essential for right to be done. In this case you can consider it a labor of love that prevailed. The difficulties stemmed from not everyone sharing the same common labor to love. Had we all been on the same page from Day One, working together for a common good, things would have gone much differently. Instead, a battle ensued because of conflicting interests.
Get in on the Giveaway today! Along with The Mirror's Puppet. Both will be great additions to your success library.