Think SIP before EMI !
Loan and Debt is a part of life, many people think that without taking a loan they cant buy any capital goods in their life. It could be vehicle, house hold machines. This believe has created from long time.?
Olden days, shop used to sell these on installment basis with an interest. Now things changed, we have zero interest loans. We appreciate the generosity of shops. What a nice people to offer us loans without interest.?
Let’s be sure, no one can run business without any income. There will be catch. It could be financiers getting discount on item purchased. We may think, that ok. Let them earn from shops. But, there is an opportunity we are missing. What is it ? We could earn discounts if we pay full in cash.?
Plus one more disadvantage, for the next few months whatever the EMI period, our savings is stuck. Our spending habit is changing. Next time if we want something, we will buy with loan. If spending become our habit and miss EMI, we are in debt trap.?
Think before act. Be a sensible spender, lead a life without loan. Become buying, accumulate that buy. Think SIP before EMI !?
Happy investing?