Design Thinking Institute Istanbul


Being agile deals also with the team. Agile teams are focused on validating continuously our hypothesis and on generating a value as soon as possible. But, where does being agile come from? From the need of project development that aim to flexibility and promptness.

It is taken by using small and multidisciplinary teams which work with adaptable methods (that requires adaptability according to the needs). Those processes are done iterative and increasingly, therefore, a constant collaboration is given in a straightforward way between the development done by the client-team.

Beyond these, it is very important to understand that these processes such as Scrum, have an empirical component. That is to say, that we learn by observing and making mistakes rather than by predicting. We learn by experiencing and by constantly failing, and we are always adapting ourselves to retake the project if we detect that some variations are interfering in the path towards the layouts.

Scrum is an organized framework for the team′s development that efficiently combines elements and correct leadership′s practices.

Where does it come from? Scrum means melé “a play in rugby in which the two sets of forwards mass together around the ball and, with their heads down, struggle to gain possession of the ball, if a member goes down the whole melé fails. The players are well coordinated to push and advanced at the same time and at the same speed.”

Scrum in software

It is an agile methodology to the development and maintenance of the software.

Based on an increasing and integrative development, with auto efficient, multidisciplinary and well-organized teams, which are adapted rapidly, by minimizing the costs, time and labor teams. And where you can find and obsession towards understanding the circumstances to evaluate the project.

It could be deplayed to efficiently end up with the work, where “work” may be the sales strategies execution, to deliver better marketing campaigns, or to build better services or products′ characteristics and functionality. Scrum as a developed Agile methodology is quite contrasted within the environment of the software′s development and it helps to the teams to the achievement of better projects. Nonetheless, this does not imply that its benefits are limited only to the software′s development.

Three reasons for you to work with the Design Thinking Philosophy:

1.    You will learn how to satisfy your clients, by building up iterative and increasingly, the projects. You will be better prepared to deliver your clients the products and or services in a way that they really need, in a faster and an efficient way.

2.    You will learn to reduce the cost of the product / service, through the SCRUM to, at the same time, improve your ROI (Return on Investment). You will also reduce the speed we usually do things. As well as, to eliminate the decrease of your MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

3.    You will build a happier and more productive team through Design Thinking you will be able to guarantee a faster development and you will understand your team′s skills and roles by motivating them to really get into business.

Warm greetings;

Caro Salazar

Design Thinking Institute

[email protected]


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