Think Organized: Let Stuff Go
If you aren’t at the cabin or on vacation this weekend, chances are you are focused on home projects. If getting organized is somewhere on your list, here are a few things to get you going.
The easiest way to get organized is to have less stuff. While we can logically understand that we have more than we need, it can still be really hard to let go of things. Sometimes it feels like our things control us, instead of the other way around.
- The Minimalists, Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, mentioned a 20/20 rule. If something can be replaced within 20 minutes for $20 or less, let it go.
- Resist keeping things out of feelings of obligation. Even if something was a gift or was handed down from relatives, you are not obligated to keep it. Would you want someone to keep something you gave out of obligation?
- Be picky about what merits a spot in your home! You have limited space and time and the more protective you are the easier being organized is.
- Consider photographing items that are hard to let go of.
- Invite a trusted friend to help. Make sure he or she knows your goal and is supportive of it. Having a person you respect give you permission to part with things can take some of the pressure off of yourself.