Think about the message you send
Do you mean what you say in your LinkedIn DM's?
It's interesting to see what sort of messages people send to me when they send over a connection request.
This week, I'm waiting for a response to the reply I sent, because I was open to connecting (Despite my warning alarm going off ??), to having a two way conversation with them. As the week goes on and my reply goes unanswered, the remove connection option is becoming the most favourable action, early next week.
So it got me thinking, do you mean what you say in your LinkedIn DM's?
Did they send a pre drafted template? Did they create that template? How successful is it for them? Are they aware of how it's coming across when the words, don't currently match the actions?
Other messages I received expressed interest in my background. Interesting, given my profile hasn't been viewed ??
And then you've the more softer messages, that make me want to reply - So Why? But Why? Maybe I'll start sending that reply...
If you're going to message people on LinkedIn, mean what you say in the messages. If you don't mean it, don't say it! We can all tell that you don't mean it by your actions. Start your connection in the right way.
If you'd like my support with LinkedIn, let me know.