Think like a magician, work like a surgeon.
Anything is possible
If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Every single person that has created amazing products or solutions have one thing in common: A creative mind. They come up with crazy and unimaginable ideas and they believe they can pull it off. By now, we know “impossible is nothing” because our minds have been blown to often times by inventions and creations.
Fail in Private
Anytime I see a magician pull a?cat out of a hat, turn piece of cloth to a bird, pick a coin from thin air and many other acts I always wonder “what If the trick failed?” that would be embarrassing yeah? On the big scene, the awe you get from the crowd when you pull it off is the same measure of despise you get when you fail. Have you noticed, the magic performer is often not as bothered as the audience? Well, this is because they have performed times over in-front of smaller private audiences, family and friends. They have failed over and over gain until there’s no more failure left.
People’s lives depend on you.
Anytime a surgeon goes into the theatre to perform an operation, he/she is aware that if it goes sideways, it is fatal. So he is precise, detailed and careful. He works on the subject material, each time treating it delicate; performs tests, uses trusted equipment and tools, pays attention to detectors and indicators in the room.
People are counting on you to deliver a great product or service like their lives depended on it. And yeah, their life or lifestyle does depend on it; starting with yours and your team then your customers.
Think like a magician but work like a surgeon
As a creative or entrepreneur, after dreaming crazy out of this world ideas, go do your homework. Check the feasibility, market, laws and policy, sustainability et al. Your magician personality allows you to dare and invent but your surgeon personality is your reality check and quality control. You need both personalities. Keep building!