Think Globally, Refurbish Locally: A Sustainable Approach to Refurbishing
The Refurb Company
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Think Globally, Renew Locally: A Sustainable Approach to Refurbishing
If you've been following my blog, you know that I'm a big advocate for local refurbishing, as exemplified by my support for Remade in the UK. My stance doesn't come from a belief that only the UK should handle refurbishing; rather, I'm convinced that every country should adopt local refurbishing practices.
For our industry to genuinely embrace sustainability, we must reconsider the common practice of shipping products overseas for refurbishment and then back again. While it might be more cost-effective, the environmental toll of such long-distance shipping is significant.
I have no qualms with global trade itself. For instance, if there's a surplus of Chromebooks in the US and a demand for them in Europe, shipping them one-way makes sense. However, when companies exploit lower wages and weaker labor regulations in countries like the UAE or Hong Kong, the issue becomes an ethical one.
My goal is to turn local refurbishing into not only an ethical choice but also a sound business decision. By promoting efficiency and innovative thinking, we can make high-quality local refurbishment a viable option at a minimal additional cost. If we can teach companies to refurbish in-house effectively, there's no reason to ship products overseas.
That's why I'm launching the "Think Globally, Renew Locally" campaign, with services designed to support this philosophy:
Join me in embracing "Think Globally, Renew Locally" as we work together to create a more sustainable, responsible future for the refurbishing industry.