Think Global - Act Local
Barry W. Colby
ASQ Canada, Ambassador and Quality Advocate, ASQ Fellow, BSc., MA, MAQS, QAM, CQC, C. Tech, CAE, CBM, Cert. PLAR (Adv.), making SERVICE and VALUES . . . MEAN something!
On July 7, 2021, I received an email from Elaine Jane, Trade Commissioner, International Trade Council that I had received a nomination for the 2021 Go Global Awards and an invitation to participate.
"The Board of Directors of the International Trade Council, together with our trade and investment agency partners, would like to invite Barry W. Colby & Associates to enter the 2021 Go Global Awards.
The Go Global Awards is an annual awards program designed to celebrate organizations that are the engines of the global economy. Entrants join a community of senior executives from across the globe that support one another, share ideas, create partnerships, and build on their existing knowledge and connections.?
The Go Global Awards are organized by the ITC and supported by the trade and investment agencies of the governments of Armenia, Canada (New Brunswick), Colombia (Barranquilla), the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malta, Mozamibique, North Macedonia, the Philippines, Spain (Andalucia) and Switzerland."??
Rationale for Application
I would like to thank the International Trade Council for giving me a opportunity to add my voice with those of the many others who have similar beliefs with respect to the common good of business in our societies and cultures. It's not about the receiving of an award, rather its about doing the right thing while in the engagement of participation. (Lending a hand.) Many individuals have similar values such as;
The Essence of Assurance
Truth is?at the authentic heart of our relationships. It's at the root cause of many of our difficulties. These behaviours are observed and demonstrated in many measurable ways.
Seeing the truth about anything, no matter how unbearable, is the first step to improve the sustainability and quality of our lives. Truth has one paramount trait and many quality characteristics; it saves costs, delivers value and minimizes our use of resources.
Not recognizing truth as our nations’ founding values, our organizations, citizens and societies will continue to bear all the frustrations, violence and costs in its absence.
Truth is at the root unity and centers our personal values and belief systems.
The GateKeepers
Who are the GateKeepers of Positive Action?
People who do the right things for the right reasons in the face of considerable adversity demonstrate integrity, character and competence.
The Fourth Choice
What is the fourth choice?
Your BeCause . . . your reason for being . . . become an Upstander. A person who speaks up, challenges or acts in support of an individual or group cause.
The one who sees (or may have many experiences of) what happens and intervenes, interrupts, speaks up, or acts to stop the confrontation, conflict or bullying.
Remember, each step into a void reveals a new horizon so, be bold, yet respectful and compassionate in the many faces of adversity. It doesn't matter who you are, only you can provide value. We all provide services for each other.
The most important life lesson for success in your endeavours and providing services to others is to never lose faith in yourself.
Entrant Confirmation
Kristal Parcon, Go Global Awards Team Awards Team, confirmed our application with an official entrant customized web banner.?
Under the INDUSTRY / SECTOR BASED AWARDS -?Professional Services
One submission entry was for the The Legend Award. This is awarded to an organization recognized with a legacy (history) as an industry leader that has made the leap in it’s shift towards improvement and sustainability by focusing on strategic thinking as an imperative and complements it with the technological, workforce, etc. supports.
Another submission was entered under a special additional?category with respect to SERVICE EXCELLENCE. This is awarded to a company that has identified ways to improve service delivery through consistently measuring results, communicating effectively at each stage of their process, seeking to enhance capacity with a focus on what services are provided and how they are delivered.