- Till 1984 Most of the apple advertisements and commercials were used to develop by a marketing agency named Chiat/ day.
- In 1986, John Sculley, the new CEO of Apple replaced Chiat\Day with BBDO, another marketing agency.
- In 1997, when Apple was shrinking and Steve jobs came to the rescue of his dream venture, out of many decisions he took one among them is to come up with new marcom campaign.
- The marketing agency BBDO pitched a new brand campaign with the slogan "We're back."
- To communicate louder and bigger message to Market, Stakeholders, Competitors, Customer's, that apple has taken necessary reforms and come out of this crisis, and we are coming to rule the market again.
- Everyone in the meeting expressed approval, but Steve Jobs turned down the idea and he said the slogan was stupid because Apple wasn't actually back
- He stated that for any marketing/ advertising/ branding/ communication to have a bigger impact it should always emphasize on mode of “outside in” and not “inside out.”
To have a better understanding about these concepts, pls look into the below
- Inside out- To Communicate about internal achievements, transformation, expertise everything which comes inside the organization.
- Outside In- No matter whatever the story you tell, make your customer your hero, develop his persona, identify his triggers behind every action and then emphasize your communication focusing on those pain points, hurdles, issues, happiness, aspirations.
- The Agency Chiat\Day who have a good understanding about Steve jobs ideology came up with the slogan “Think Different.”
- The Team initially came up with an idea "Think differently, but Steve specifically said think it wouldn't have the required impact.
- Steve insisted that he wanted "different" to be used as a?noun and as a colloquial term, as in "think victory" or "think beauty", think big".
- Art & Design – Jessica Schulman Edelstein
- Campaign development - Susan Alinsangan& Margaret Keene
- Music -Chip Jenkins
- Concept- Craig Tanimoto
- Creative director- Rob Siltanen and?ken seagall?