Ardhendu Kumar Bose
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How the campaign Think different transformed the Apple Brand?
The "Think Different" campaign launched by Apple in 1997 was a significant turning point for the company's brand identity. The campaign consisted of a series of print and TV ads that featured iconic personalities like Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. and celebrated their contributions to society. The tagline of the campaign was "Think Different," which reflected the brand's philosophy of innovation, creativity, and breaking the status quo.
On September 28th, 1997, the "Think different" campaign debuted in?video?and print. In typical Jobsian fashion, it was jaw-droppingly over the top. If picking the bones of famous and historic figures like Martin Luther King, Jr. through a montage of black-and-white film footage did not get across the elitist subtext, Richard Dreyfuss—who ironically suffers from bi-polar disorder—read the following free verse poem that appears to have been an also-ran in a high school poetry contest.
"Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some see them as the crazy ones,
We see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think
they can change the world,
Are the ones who do!"
Here are some ways in which the campaign transformed the Apple brand:
Brand Identity:
The "Think Different" campaign positioned Apple as a brand that was creative, innovative, and unconventional. The campaign helped establish a distinct brand identity for Apple that was different from its competitors in the technology industry.
Emotional Connection:
The campaign created an emotional connection between Apple and its audience by celebrating the contributions of iconic personalities who embodied the brand's values. The campaign helped establish a strong emotional bond between the brand and its customers, which has remained a defining characteristic of Apple's brand identity.
Brand Loyalty:
The campaign helped create a loyal customer base for Apple who identified with the brand's values and philosophy. The campaign established Apple as a brand that stood for something more than just technology products, and this helped build a loyal following that has remained with the brand over the years.
The "Think Different" campaign helped drive sales for Apple by creating a strong brand image and emotional connection with customers. The campaign helped establish Apple as a premium brand that was worth paying a premium price for, and this helped increase the brand's sales and revenue.
Overall, the "Think Different" campaign transformed the Apple brand by creating a distinct brand identity, emotional connection, and loyal customer base. The campaign helped establish Apple as a brand that was more than just technology products, and this has remained a defining characteristic of the brand over the years.