Think Big
Richard Grehalva Leadership Coach, Sales Training TEDx
A recognized authority on personal development, executive leadership coaching, ,B2B sales training, sales coaching using proprietary methodologies with a tactical framework to create the positive change people want.
While not every big thinker chooses to be a leader, every leader is a big thinker.
Having the courage to dream big and think big is the hallmark of great leadership. "Big thinking" means never being content to stay within your comfort zone. For a big thinker, familiarity breeds boredom and stagnation.
They’re constantly pushing the boundaries, confident in their abilities to do more and do it brilliantly.
A big thinker also believes that all his or her dreams are achievable, no matter how big. They don't know anyone to tell them otherwise.
They set out to achieve those dreams with purpose and passion. Small thinkers, on the other hand, are content to dream but think their goals are too far-fetched and impossible to achieve. ?
It's easy to see how thinking big can transform your life from mediocrity to magnificence and develop your leadership qualities.
You can start growing the big thinking mindset by making the following practices part of your lifestyle.
??Expand your perspective. The broader your perspective, the more possibilities for achieving your dreams will manifest in your life.
You'll also discover possibilities for new dreams and pursuits that can propel you toward greater success. The best way to do this is to embrace lifelong learning and growth.
Read books, and never shy away from trying new things. Learn new skills and experiment with new hobbies. Expanding your horizons expands your outlook and perspective, allowing you to find and seize new opportunities. ?
Lifelong learning also fosters a sense of achievement and mastery that reinforces your belief that you can do anything.?
??Think out of the box. A big thinker always looks for new and innovative ways to do things. They’re open to new ideas and eager to experiment with new tools and methods.
This enhances their analytical, creative, and problem-solving skills, making them better decision-makers and leaders.
Consider different approaches to things, and don’t be afraid to swim against the current. This is another hallmark of outstanding leadership.
??Challenge yourself. As a big thinker, you love to challenge yourself constantly. Rather than resting on your laurels after success, you immediately start thinking ahead to make your next success bigger and better.
Stay proactive and always challenge yourself to think bigger, keeping your big goals in mind and notifying them when needed. In a nutshell, never be content with mediocrity.
??Become a visionary. If you look at great leaders like Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr., you see that they were great visionaries.
Impossible as their dreams initially seemed, they were achieved, and they became the legendary figures we know today.
A good leader has a vision and can convey it compellingly and persuasively. They reflect on their vision and lay out solid, realistic goals for achieving it.
Action steps:
- Practice the steps listed above to start developing a big thinker mindset. Use this day to schedule the practices into your routine and commit to making them part of your life.
- List three things you can do or learn immediately to become a big thinker.
- Reflect on your big dreams and create a 'vision statement' for them. Plan for how you'll start to achieve your vision beginning with small steps. Reflect on how you'll express and convey your vision to others.
Be the leader people want to follow.
Richard Grehalva