Think Big, Think Bold
Some important Questions For You ....
Are you thinking big enough and bold enough about the next chapter in your career?
Do you typically understate your capabilities and achievements when describing them to others?
Are you currently frustrated with your current role but feeling trapped?
Are you at an important crossroads in your career but in a dilemma about which direction to take?
Do you yearn for a different career pathway that will provide you with more fulfilment and pleasure?
Do you struggle to see how your unique set of skills and experiences could be valuable in a different walk of life?
In our extensive experience of coaching individuals around the world to plan and execute their next career move, these are just some of the really important questions that we help individuals to wrestle with and resolve.
And it is quite alarming at times to discover just how often individuals can box themselves in when thinking about their careers and what they might do next. This is invariably accompanied by a tendency to under-state their achievements and under-sell their distinctive capabilities. Too often individuals have too fixed a view about themselves and what they might be capable of; they hang-on to past beliefs and assumptions that unnecessarily limit their choices about the future.
So one of our important coaching mantras, is to actively help individuals to break the chains of any restricted thinking that is holding them back in seeking out a new career direction and a new role. We typically do this in four main ways:
- By helping you to take a long hard look at your unique combination of skills, experiences and successes that together effectively define who you are professionally and what you have to offer to others - effectively defining your distinctive Career DNA
- By helping you to form and articulate a powerful narrative about yourself that conveys an enthusiastic, impactful and influential message to others about who you are and what you have to offer.
- By helping you to better tell your career success stories i.e. those accumulated moments of achievement that perfectly illustrate how effective you can be and will showcase the capabilities you possess and the potential you have to use these in different roles
- By challenging your assumptions and thinking about what you can do and achieve in the future, addressing any limiting beliefs and creating a very positive “can-do” momentum for aspiring to a more fulfilling career outcome.
And perhaps just to add a footnote about the wisdom or otherwise of adopting a bold career strategy at the time of a global pandemic and economic dislocation ...
Certainly times are very tough for many and there is much turbulence and uncertainty in all regions. However as in any period of disruption and dislocation, the world is rapidly adapting to very new circumstances and progressively new opportunities are beginning to open up. Indeed in many ways this difficult period with much job uncertainty is the ideal time to ask the bold and searching questions about your career future so you are positively prepared should the need and moment arise to reach out and grasp the nettle of change that can propel you to a better more rewarding future. Simply sitting and waiting for the storm to blow out, may not be the most optimum strategy as you may be disadvantaged in contrast to others who have been more proactive.
So if you would value an early dialogue about the help we can provide in addressing your big bold career questions then please either connect with me via LinkedIn or drop me an email to [email protected]. I can also then tell you more about the success we have had in recent months in helping individuals to take big steps forward in their careers.
And in the meantime, if you would like just to undertake some quiet, self-help reflection about your future career journey you might like to obtain a copy of our most recent e-publication “Navigating Your Future” that is available at an introductory price by following this link
Tim Chapman
Managing Director
Brosna Career Consulting
April 2021