Think Big
Many businesses become trapped by taking a protectionist stance in the market. In their eyes, they have found a formula that works and repeating this formula becomes the key to success. This routine is usually reinforced when an organization has fought a long and difficult battle to achieve what's in front of them. They want to protect it because, after an arduous journey, success has finally become visible and tangible.
So, you've made it to the top of the mountain and are relishing what you have accomplished and what it took to get there. As you look over the ledge, a sense of fear is instilled in you as wonder what would happen if you fell off. This fear takes over you and you think the best course of action is to stay right where you are at. However, you don't realize that other people are climbing this mountain as well and the top is about to become crowded. You don't realize that if you lift your head and look off into the horizon that there are larger, more challenging, and more rewarding summits to climb... You don't realize that as the summit you're standing on inevitably becomes crowded, you will be pushed off the ledge and your worst fears will become true.
It's time to Think BIG. You did it once, you can do it again. And again. And again. And, did I say again? Get used to creating big ideas and aggressively executing on them, even if you're not fully ready. At, what is perceived as, the height of success, the worst thing an organization can do is to sit still. Think of what it will take to reach the next summit and how to reach it in a way that is smarter, not harder. By smarter I mean by automating the tasks that take your eye away from the path. By smarter I mean seeking knowledge from those who have successfully overcome the same challenges. By smarter I mean get buy-in from your team so that you don't have to go on this journey alone.
“Most people think small because most people are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning. And that gives people like me a great advantage.” - Donald Trump
Whatever your viewpoints on politics are, there is no denying that this quote is a prime example of what thinking big can accomplish. Previously known as a businessman and a celebrity, Donald Trump's announcement to enter the political sphere in a bid for President was not taken seriously by mainstream politicians. His rise to Presidency is one of the best modern example of what Thinking BIG can accomplish and a separate article could be written about that alone.
Strive for what is typically seen by you or by others as impossible. Think about what it would take to accomplish this and break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Get away from spending your time trying to solve insignificant problems. Stop procrastinating and start taking action right away.
"Either I will find a way, or I will make one" - Dashrath Manjhi
Coined with the term 'Mountain Man', Dashrath Manjhi's tale is one of tragedy, perseverance, and ambition. This man's journey is the embodiment of Thinking BIG, and yet it has nothing to do with commerce, profit, or professional achievement.
Manjhi did not have an education, land, or a career. He was a poor coal miner in India who did not have much in terms of material wealth. However, none of that mattered to him as he had his family and a beloved wife. One day, his wife was trekking around a dangerous mountain path in order to bring water to him. Traversing the treacherous area was no easy task and she became another victim of this path. Manjhi's wife slipped and fell over the side of this path and was left with serious injuries. With the nearest hospital being 75 KM away, there was no way that Manjhi could get her to the hospital in time and, although he attempted, it was too late and his wife was gone.
Manjhi pleaded with the local government to build a path through a mountain which would shorten the journey of his fellow villagers to the nearest hospital from 75 KM to 1 KM. His constant requests were denied. Rather than feel helpless or give up he decided to do the impossible.
"When I started hammering the hill, people called me a lunatic but that steeled my resolve." - Dashrath Manjhi
The death of his wife affected Manjhi so much that literally took matters in his own hands. Armed with only a hammer, a chisel, and a bucket to move earth, Manjhi began a single handed mission to carve a path through the hill that was blocking his village from access to medical care. 22 years later, he succeeded his mission and a 110 m long, 7.7 m deep, and 9.1 m wide path was paved which helped improve the quality of life for residents of his and surrounding villages.
Determination, commitment, ambition, and intelligence are just some of the factors that lead people to achieve great feats. Resolve in these areas are proven to lead us to great success, whether it be personal, professional, or other. With these traits we can build roadways, houses, and even cities. However, when we Think BIG we can build empires, resolve conflicts, and improve humanity as a whole.