Think Before You Speak, Read Before You Think
"Think before you speak. Read before you think." – Fran Lebowitz
?Dear reader,
?Fran's sage words apply to email copy, too.
?You know, reading is probably the easiest way to come up with content ideas there is.
?Let's say you write a financial-based newsletter and you sit down at your computer to write a promotional email to your list of subscribers.
?Aw, nuts! You can't think of anything to write about, can you?
?What to do?
?Well, don't just sit there with that stupefied look on your face.
?Get off your arse and grab a book about finance (a Warren Buffett book, or any book for that matter), find an interesting part, and write a few paragraphs - your thoughts and opinions - about that interesting section of the book.
?Then segue into your pitch. (Just like I teach you in my Email Playbook)?
?It's duck soup!
?If you have this: that is.
Your friend,