When you look at the word THINK, you can see the word INK inside of it. This leads me to believe that before you INK it, you must first THINK it. Thinking requires in depth thought, through the passage of Thinking. It’s almost like brain storming. When you come together with other “like-minded” individuals, you can put down on paper what you all were THINKING. Yes, THINK IT BEFORE YOU INK IT. Maybe you’re contemplating a business move, about to buy a house or car, but you haven’t given it much Thought; it’s important to THINK IT before you INK IT. We all have been in a situation where we saw the results of Thoughtlessness and promised ourselves that we would never do that again. So, it is important for us to always wear our THINKING Caps and never take them off.
Did you know that what you Think or have Thought in the past either could show up or have shown up in your life? THINKING leads to Speaking. Speaking leads to Believing. Believing ultimately leads to you having what you Thought, what you Said and What you Believed. How important is your Mind and the Thoughts which proceed from you mind? Extremely Important.
There’s a passage or reading which says it this way: “Write down your Vision and transcribe it in the most simplistic way. What you have written down has a Designated Time to make an Appearance . Though the Process appears to take longer than anticipated, at the End it shall leave those waiting in sheer amazement. Even though is appears as if it may be delayed forever, it won’t be delayed much longer. Have the heart to Expect it and Wait for it. It’s on the way and closer than you THINK.” (Habakkuk 2:2,3)
The point is this: When your Vision and/or Dreams come to you, write them down and make a note of it. Your Vision and Dreams will come out of the realm of your mind, which lives in a subdivision with neighbors called Confession, Believing and Having. So Today, go ahead and “Speak Your Mind” but in a different context and tone filled with excitement. You will be surprised, amazed and flabbergasted when what you Thought, Said and Wrote down, Appears before your very Eyes. You Are SUCCESS and I AM,
Corey P. Dunlap, World Class Speaker