Think additive!

Think additive!

Since 3D printing has entered the world of rapid prototyping, there have been many changes in the industry world, which are mainly reflected in the following three aspects:

? Drastic reduction in production times

? High level of precision

? Possibility to realize any type of geometry

The real advantage is lightening, and this is only achieved with a little effort: think additive, think in terms of additive production.

Software as Evolve and Inspire followed by FEM analysis allow to realize particular like automotive or aerospace components removing material where not needed without changing the technical and mechanical characteristics of the pieces.

To fully exploit the potential of additive technologies and make solutions achieved truly efficient it is however essential to ‘think additive’, namely to design the parts knowing the possibilities, advantages and limits of additive manufacturing systems, and studying them according to the type of technology that will be implemented for their creation.

To this regard, we have purchased modeling software SolidThiking that allow us to simplify and reduce as much as possible the component’s mass, depending on the constraints to be respected, the materials to be used and the forces to apply. In addition, since these are hybrid modeling systems based on the PolyNurbs, they are versatile and parametric and hence, effectively combine design freedom with optimization and structural analysis functions. Once the project has been defined and approved, it is possible to export data to a software such as Magics to create the product through additive manufacturing.”

Skorpion Engineering offers, among others, this service to accompany its customers along the path to the realization of large and innovative projects.


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