Things that Your Audience Wants from You
Have you ever wondered what your audience wants from you? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Whether it’s a blog post, a podcast, or a video—your audience is looking for certain things from you. Let’s take a look at some of the things your audience wants from you so you can deliver and make sure they keep coming back for more.?
First and foremost, your audience wants something interesting. Give them something that will capture their attention and make them want to stay on the page longer. Share entertaining stories or inspiring life lessons. These types of content are sure to draw in readers, listeners, and viewers—and keep them entertained! When creating content for any medium, it's important to remember that it should be fun as well as informative.?
Your audience also wants something of value. People don't just want to hear someone talk without providing useful information. Make sure that whatever you are sharing is helpful or relevant in some way—whether it's educational, inspirational, or both! Provide tips and tricks or ask questions that will get people thinking about new ideas. If your content provides something valuable to your audience, they'll be more likely to come back for seconds (or thirds).?
Finally, your audience also wants consistency. When people bump into an amazing blog post or podcast episode on social media, they may check out your other content if it's consistent with what drew their attention in the first place. It's important to stick with the same style and tone throughout all of your posts so that when readers (or listeners) come across one of your posts, they know exactly what type of content they're going to get each time they return—consistency builds trust between you and your followers!??
At the end of the day, giving your audience what they want isn't rocket science—it's all about understanding what drives them and creates an emotional connection between them and your brand. Quality content that speaks directly to their needs combined with regular updates will keep them coming back for more!?
You could also contact Crunchy Lemons for a free consultation so you could get a few ideas on how to find what your audience is looking for.?