Things You Need to Know About Blogging!
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Blogging is as huge as the ocean and one of the unique things about blogging is that there is always something new to learn. Every blogger has their own story, their own experience with their time in the blogging world but they too will agree on the fact that blogging is an ongoing process. There is no course to blogging which can make you aware of all the ins and outs of blogging.
Even the bloggers who have been doing this for more than 10 years still find something new to learn every now and then and this is what that makes blogging career one of its kind.
Although I am sure you are a well-read person in this field, I have arranged a list of things that you should know as a blogger. When I started blogging, I get to know these things along my journey I have traveled so far. There are many other things to learn but I thought to share these things here with you all.
Many things in this list will be like a lesson that you should learn now or else like me you may learn it the hard way. Some of the tips are findings which I learned and discovered on my journey and some of the things are facts which you should pay attention to.
So., here are the things about blogging that can make you love it, hate it and love it again.
1. Competition
One of the things that people know yet do not pay attention to is the competition. You cannot argue with the fact that just like you there are thousands of people who dream of a lifestyle that a blogger lives. Work from home, traveling, fame etc. As a matter of fact, there are thousands of people who Google the keywords “How to Become a Blogger”. So, this makes the competition pretty intense.
Everyone wants to be a blogger nowadays and why won’t they, it is one of the most interesting and cool professions of the 21st century. So everyone come and try their luck at becoming a blogger.
It does not mean that you cannot succeed as a blogger but it won’t be easy too. You need to give in a lot more than you think to leave the herd behind. The only thing that can make you successful in blogging is creating your own unique value.
You should not be scared of the competition rather you should take this as an opportunity try whatever you want and you should be willing to take risks and do experiments.
2. Longevity is the key.
You don’t become successful overnight and it does not mean it will happen in a month or two. How much time it will take for you to get your spotlight is something that can’t be predicted.
The only way to do this is by setting a mindset about blogging that it will take time and you must be willing to give your precious time without asking anything in return at least at the beginning of the journey.
Blogging is as huge as the ocean and one of the unique things about blogging is that there is always something new to learn. Every blogger has their own story, their own experience with their time in the blogging world but they too will agree on the fact that blogging is an ongoing process. There is no course to blogging which can make you aware of all the ins and outs of blogging.
Even the bloggers who have been doing this for more than 10 years still find something new to learn every now and then and this is what that makes blogging career one of its kind.
Although I am sure you are a well-read person in this field, I have arranged a list of things that you should know as a blogger. When I started blogging, I get to know these things along my journey I have traveled so far. There are many other things to learn but I thought to share these things here with you all.
Many things in this list will be like a lesson that you should learn now or else like me you may learn it the hard way. Some of the tips are findings which I learned and discovered on my journey and some of the things are facts which you should pay attention to.
So., here are the things about blogging that can make you love it, hate it and love it again.
1. Competition
One of the things that people know yet do not pay attention to is the competition. You cannot argue with the fact that just like you there are thousands of people who dream of a lifestyle that a blogger lives. Work from home, traveling, fame etc. As a matter of fact, there are thousands of people who Google the keywords “How to Become a Blogger”. So, this makes the competition pretty intense.
Everyone wants to be a blogger nowadays and why won’t they, it is one of the most interesting and cool professions of the 21st century. So everyone come and try their luck at becoming a blogger.
It does not mean that you cannot succeed as a blogger but it won’t be easy too. You need to give in a lot more than you think to leave the herd behind. The only thing that can make you successful in blogging is creating your own unique value.
You should not be scared of the competition rather you should take this as an opportunity try whatever you want and you should be willing to take risks and do experiments.
2. Longevity is the key.
You don’t become successful overnight and it does not mean it will happen in a month or two. How much time it will take for you to get your spotlight is something that can’t be predicted.
The only way to do this is by setting a mindset about blogging that it will take time and you must be willing to give your precious time without asking anything in return at least at the beginning of the journey.
If you were to ask me, I would say that blogging will take at least 2 years before significant things start to happen. I know that seems like a long duration but once you start doing it, it won’t seem to be that long.
The time also changes when you talk about how frequent your content is going to be. If you will be uploading weekly, it will take you longer as compared to how long it will be if you were posting daily.
3. You Won’t be just Blogging
Blogging is what you are here for, right? But the untold truth is that no blogger is simply writing content. Although when you start writing, it seems like the only job you have but as you grow you get to know about other things that you have to do as well.
If you have been blogging for a while now, you will know what I am talking about. Apart from writing engaging and epic posts, you need to perform many tasks.
For your Posts to rank on search engines, you need to perform search engine optimization or what we call SEO on your blog or website. You cannot neglect this as no matter how good your content is if people are not able to find you, your impeccable piece of content is of no use. Although this a huge field in itself, you do not need to take a deep dive in this field. Just having an idea of On-page SEO will work for the beginning.
For your blog to look good, you need to focus on the design of your website. If you do not know how to code then it is a big issue on its own. But not to worry this is 2019 and you don’t need to learn how to write code to become a blogger.
To all my blogger friends, I recommend blogging using WordPress. Not the free one you might be using so far. I am talking about the setup for your website. For this, you will require a domain name and a hosting provider to run but if you have it, I guarantee it will pay off.
Blog Designer Plugin
If you have a WordPress blog then you can leave all the designing worry to our Blog Designer plugin. Themes have never been able to deliver the exact layout we want on our website and if you have used WordPress, I am sure you know how hard it is to find the perfect theme that you can go with. For this problem, you can use this plugin. This plugin allows you to customize your blog page layout without touching a single line of code so you can keep your focus on the Blog and its articles.
For your blog to get more popular, you need to work on the social accounts as well. This part is a big YES if you want to attract more visitors to your website. Social media accounts help in expanding the user base and increasing the number of people visiting your blogs. When you share an article on any social media platform, people come and look at what is being shared and if your content is good enough to keep them engaged, they tend to stay and come again as well! Isn’t that we all want, right?
Also Check: How to Increase Traffic on Your WordPress Blog Easily
So, if you think writing good posts is the only thing that you will have to worry about then I have to burst that bubble for you. It is going to be a lot more work than that.
4. Time Consuming
Blogging is not just a part-time thing that you can go back to when you feel like writing. You need to give separate attention to it to keep everything on track. Most of the time when you start you can lay back and manage your workflow according to your own needs but when the blogging gig gets more serious, it starts to grow on you and now you have to give it time every day. This can become a real toll on you.
It does not mean it will be impossible for you to keep up on your blog. It will surely be difficult but if you start to manage and delegate things properly, you will find time for every task your blog will demand from you.
Also Read: 7 Common Blogging Problems & How To Deal With Them
You can always get a guy to do a job if you feel like you won’t be able to take care of that and someone else will be able to do it much better. These tasks can be website changes, getting back on contact form submissions, or simply managing social media accounts.
5. Content is King
No matter how good looking your website is, or how fast it is. If the website is not able to deliver good content, it all is of no use. Imagine going to the fanciest restaurant with a bunch of fancy waiters but the food is not good at all. Would you go to that restaurant again? I am sure we both know the answer to that question.
Similarly, the content on your website is the food if your blog is your restaurant.
Content is your selling point. It is the reason people are coming to your blog. If you are putting up mediocre content there, it will not do any good to your brand and in turn, will deflect the incoming traffic.
If you are having trouble coming up with content for your users, try whipping things up a little bit. Try different content styles and see which one gets a positive response.
If you still can’t get any readers, see and observe how your competitors are doing it. Do no start copying their content but see how they do it and what is the difference between their technique and yours. Analyze what is working for them and what will work for you and your blog.
Also, this is no time for writing only written content. If you wish, try to mix things up. Try different mediums such as written, video, audio to attract different kinds of users. This works most of the time and you get to explore other sections as well.